Bach FAQ 144
Big books and small books about Bach, important books and exciting books about Johann Sebastian. No big problem is to find any book about the St. Thomas Cantor. However, choosing the right book from thousands can be a challenge.
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If one person on the planet can give meticulous information on Bach books, information about everything, really everything that was written about Johann Sebastian Bach in a quarter of a millennium, then that is a professor at the University of Belfast in Ireland. A book about Bach's music? A children's book about Bach? A book for coloring for the little ones? If there is such a book, then you are right with him. His name is Yo Tomita and he has collected them. All books, more than that: all publications to the master at all. After all, there are 24,000 books - biographies, novels, genealogy studies, publications and books about his music and his four famous sons. And if you also add essays on Bach, articles about the Thomaskantor and what else you can put into words or publish as a book, then there are today amazing 56,000 entries. Approximately. In many languages of the earth! There are even Japanese books and a Chinese book about Bach. They were released from Leipzig to Shanghai and from Rome to San Francisco. So if ever a book was published on a specific Bach theme, Professor Tomita found it. Even if the book was not printed as a project, after all, there is a good chance that this book will be found in the bibliography of Tomita. Books - are just "his thing"!
Bach Books and More Bach Books: For Instance the Bach Coloring Book
The Johann Sebastian Bach Coloring Book for children. Or better for little Bach fans and future little Bach fans. Plus, I would have never thought such a thing ... even for grown-ups.
Hier gibt es hunderte coole Geschenkideen.
Bach calendars cool are music gifts. 3 sizes. 2024 + 2025. US style and EU style. To the shop.
You enjoy Bach. For a long time, recently or since reading this homepage. And you want more now. A Bach book, maybe even a Bach Zweitbuch. And you would like an overview. And a little bit of support. Tadaa - here you are right. And how fortunate that this messing up ends with a decent book cover. I was for you in the marketplace, on the Bach book marketplace and I've been looking for what's on it. And you can inform yourself now. Everything fit perfectly into one of the following categories. That no book was left, I refer to the heading "More Bach Books" back. She is really well suited for that. And here they are, the categories you will also find in the navigation:
The Little Bach Book is a surprise for all those who have "discovered" Johann Sebastian Bach already and is now ready for a read away from all the usual categories. On my German sister website, I recommend it even for German readers, if they understand at least a little English. Most important fact: It is not a biography. Not at all! It does not fit in any of the Bach book categories, and therefore this little jewel got its own. If you find Bach exciting, then you should inform yourself now about this Little Bach Book. With a click here.
No, it is definitely no biography. However, it is so special, that this book deserves to get its own book category on this website. Click here for more information.
Here you will find all biographies to a certain extent and a certain meaning. I have not included "miniature books" here, because apart from Spitta, Wolff, Forkel and more unique Bach biographers, a 50-page booklet is not the book to be mentioned in this category. Here you get to the Bach biography section.
Here you will find Bach books, which are created to present Bach mostly for travel plans. Entertainment is important, nice and inviting pictures, too. Here you won't find coffee-table books about the composer, as they are not designed to take them on the trip to Bach with you. These Bach travel guides are small and designed to be part of your travel equipment. One click and you are there.
Here are three Bach books listed: two of them are purely schematic compilations of ancestor data. They both were the "Bible of Bach Genealogy" at the turn of the century. Today there are way more family members found, thanks to the internet and my wife Renat and her research. One book is mainly entertainment and worth to read it. It is written by a beloved Bach fan, Mrs. Helga Brueck, who died much too early, two years after we met her. For more information please click here.
The headline says everything. Just click and hop!
For a long time I could only recommend our Bach friend Jens Johler's exciting novel "Die Stimmung der Welt". It is a real Bach book, although Johann Sebastian Bach is not mentioned in the title. Meanwhile, this author sent me a mail, introducing his English version with the title "Bach and the Tuning of the World" and there the Thomas Cantor is mentioned with his name. Please read about the content with a click here and enjoy the title already below. It is not yet clear, whether the book will ever be published on paper ... it's currently available as an e-Book.
Let Bach expert Jens Johler guide you through a part of the master's life.
This is for the connoisseurs of Bach's music or for those who want to become that. It is almost scientific stuff. However, you will not find anything here with what you could make music. So it is nothing like note sheets. The challenging click.
What a pleasure for the two of us, to meet Eleonor in spring 2019. We feel honored to introduce her successful Bach book in the "music department" here and on more pages of this website. Click here to learn more.
Once Again: The Bach Coloring Book
Yes, I do believe I am the only Bach fan in the world who created a coloring book regarding Johann Sebastian Bach and that is why you will find my coloring book in the coloring book section, but not a second one. However, at least it's a bilingual work, that is to say, you get your information about the topic on the left side in both German and English on the left side. Of course, the coloring book comes without the big "C" on each page on the internet.
The parents of Johann Sebastian Bach coming back home to the Bachhaus in Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany.
Music Gifts!
Discover more and more Bach gifts.
33 exciting Bach calendars are cool music gifts. 3 sizes. 2024 + 2025. EU style and US style. To the shop.
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Also very simple: there is everything that did not fit above. Just have a look.
Advertisement is starting here: Tiny but pretty: almost the smallest of all Bach books. You can buy one in the shop of my wife, "Bach 4 You". End of the advertisement.
The market for books that you can buy about Johann Sebastian in German language today – and that is to say not in the last hundred years or even in the last ten years – is confusing and overloaded. There is exciting ancient and top news. The book of the first important biographer is still purchasable today and indeed fresh from the press. And of course, there are a few books adding every year that "know something" about JSB. The first biography – well – a kind of Johann Sebastian Bach biography, was written by the way in 1750. Exactly three days after Bach's death. An obituary. At that time he was called the Bach Necrology. The obituary to Bach was written by three people who were all close to Bach. That was first his son Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, second Johann Sebastian's son Altnikol and third Mr. Lorenz Christoph Mizler, among others a musicologist in Leipzig. However, this necrology became known to a broader public as late as three years later, 2753
First important Johann Sebastian Bach biographer was the musicologist Johann Nikolaus Forkel, born one year before Bach's death. It was not until 1802, that is a half-century after Bach's demise, that the first masterpiece, the first book on Johann Sebastian Bach's life, was created. And that is still relevant today! Good, not up-to-date with the background that has changed in the last two centuries because much has been researched, discovered and re-evaluated. No, currently, because it is the feeling of that era, which you feel when you read in a work written over 210 years before our present time. Here you get to a selection of Bach biographies.
Bach author Forkel wrote the first book about Johann Sebastian Bach, a biography in 1802. Thousands of Bach books followed this book in a period of more than 200 years
There are many books related to Johann Sebastian Bach. This is – no doubt – one of the best ever. With Christoph Wolff's book "Johann Sebastian Bach" you can't decide wrong. You will have pleasure with this book
Anyway: and even if you deal with Bach so much, then half a lifetime will not be enough to bring to the expertise of the Bach expert and author Christoph Wolff. He is considered "the pope" to Bach. And he does not apply to Hinz and Kunz as the reference. No, among the Bach connoisseurs, Bach authors, and Bach specialists, he is the outstanding connoisseur. Christoph Wolff is a professor. Also in Leipzig. But who knows Leipzig? I mean, who in the world knows Leipzig. Except for us Germans. And good, maybe a few Americans, Chinese and Australians with German roots. But most of all, Wolff is a professor at the world-famous Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. And who does not know this name ?! Of course, except perhaps a few Aboriginal people - and maybe only. An apology at this point to all Aborigines. Wolff writes, he also researches, he also teaches, he is also committed to the cultural asset Johann Sebastian Bach. He stands in such respectable circles as the New Bach Society and we ask ourselves: does this man sleep in between ?! He is director of the Bach Archive, laureate, multiple and honorary doctor. And his achievements and awards do not fit on three book pages. The books he still did not write except about Bach also not. Of course not - otherwise it would be essays.
Author Professor Dr. Dr. Christoph Wolff: His book "Johann Sebastian Bach" is just one of his many books on the subject of Bach. He is – without question - the top expert on Bach. © ... and many thanks to Mr. Rolf H. Seyboldt for allowing me to publish the photo. You can reach his homepage at
In fact, this is the very smallest biography of Johann Sebastian Bach. It is a wonderful gift for a Bach fan or a cantor and of course it is not meant to be read, but a wonderful decoration for anyone who loves Bach's music.
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