Bach FAQ 71


Are There Great-Grandchildren of Johann Sebastian Bach Living?


First, you want to know where the great-great-great-great- great-great-great-grandchildren of Johann Sebastian Bach are still living today. There are three or four branches still around. A long, long time after Johann Sebastian Bach once lived. And with these lines actually several great-grandchildren of Bach are living, just with more of the "greats" in front of the grandchildren, of course. It is about six or seven persons, of which all are living in Germany. Their identity is not secret. However, on this website I am very interested to document, that I don't publish this information. As I am cordially asking you to support my Bach Genealogy research far into eternity, please. And that is why I keep my promise here and don't publish what Bachs all over the planet handed me as their very personal information.




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