Bach Choirs, Bach Societies

Bach Orchestras – E to F


Here you will find all Bach choirs, Bach orchestras and Bach societies in the world. As we list the original name of the Bach choir, the Bach orchestra and the Bach society, here is a little German for you. A choir in German is a "Chor" and a "Verein" is a society. You already know "Orchester", which is an orchestra. Remains the name of the location and there is almost no translation necessary. Exception is "Köln" for Cologne and "München" for Munich, but that is what you would have discovered on your own. I guess?


And – as a reminder – the list doesn't stop at borders. After Aachen in Germany next is Aberdeen, United Kingdom. The first letter of the location is, what counts – not the first letter in the line or the first letter in the name of the institution.



51  Edinburgh Bach Choir, United Kingdom

© vichie81 /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



The Bach Cities and Bach Places Calendar

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52  Bachchor Eisenach, Germany


Visit this Bach choir on their website.



53  Bachhaus und Bach Museum,

Eisenach, Germany


Visit this Bach society on their website.



54  The Ensemble Bach-Eisenach, Eisenach, Germany


Visit the Ensemble Bach-Eisenach on their website.



54a Bach Collegium Rhenanum

Emmerich, Germany

© Foto/Quelle/Lizenz: Raimond Spekking, via Wikimedia Commons [GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach orchestra on their website.


55  Bach-Verein Erlangen, Germany

© weisserlangen /

Visit this Bach society on their website.



56  Essener Bachchor, Essen, Germany

© PattySia /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



57  Kettwiger Bach-Ensemble,

Essen, Germany

Visit this Bach orchestra on their website.



58  Exeter Bach Society, United Kingdom

© ian woolcock /

Visit this Bach society on their website.



Music Calendars in Two Styles

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59  The Eye Bach Choir, United Kingdom

© Photo/Source/License: by Richard Slessor [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



60  Tilford Bach Society, Farnham, U.K.

© Photo/Source/License: Weydonian at en.wikipedia [CC BY 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach society on their website.



61  Flensburger Bach-Chor,

Flensburg, Germany

© Ralf Gosch/

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



62  Bachinstitut und Bachchor Frankfurt, Germany


Visit this Bach society and Bach choir on their website.



63  Freiburger Bachchor, Freiburg, Germany

© Stefan Merkle/

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



64  Bach Children's Choir of Fresno,


© Photo/Source/License: By JMora24 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach choir on their website.


65  Furness Bach Choir, United Kingdom

© suzbah /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.


66  Bach Chor & Orchester Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany

© rebling /

Visit this Bach choir and Bach orchestra on their website.



Did We Forget Your Bach Choir? Or Your Bach Society? Or Your Bach Orchestra?


Sure, there is always a little movement. Plus a little "shrinkage" sometimes. Once in a while there is a new Bach choir in Germany ... or a Bach orchestra in the USA just "disappeared" after many years of performance. Or, even simpler: One Bach choir just "slipped through our fingers" and that is your Bach choir of all Bach choirs. Why don't you send us a short mail and we will fix that instantly. So, your Bach choir will be added finally. Or your Bach orchestra or ... your Bach society. Even now – in advance – a cordial thank you for that. You get to the contact form here.



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