Please click on the appropriate flag below. Important hint: You can access the Bach short biography only after you clicked on one flag ... plus ( ! ) click on the first link there.
You can find your Bach short biography by first clicking on the flag of your country. The flags are listed in alphabetical order. And further: Only when you have arrived at the destination "behind" your flag will the first link there take you to your Bach short biography to read. This means that there are two website pages for you in your native language. Once you have clicked on your national flag, you can immediately enjoy the Bach video short biography. Below that, I take you through my entire Bach project and to my Bach short biography to read. It is enriched with lots of entertainment. And you will find out what fun the subject of Bach is on the German "Bach über Bach" portal and the English "Bach on Bach" portal, even without speaking German or English.
Oh man, that was a challenge. I wanted to find two Chinese people here in Germany to help me with the Chinese version. I found them. First I got a translation, which of course I couldn't double-check. The next difficulty was finding someone who could check it and then speak it. For better orientation, I inserted numbers into the text, which I later cut out in the audio. Do you have any idea that finding the audible name of Johann Sebastian Bach in Chinese in the words and sentences before and after was a major hurdle in itself? I did this with four other languages, but nothing was as much of an adventure as the Chinese video version.
I am very proud of this Chinese Bach video short biography and I hope to reach one or the other future Bach lover. One or the other of these 1.4 billion people, living so far away from my home.
I would be delighted if you would like to support Renate and me with our hobby, my Bach Project and our Bach Mission. It is important that you speak the mother tongue in which you could help me. Or you should at least have grown up speaking two languages. And ... it's really important that you know in advance that this, my adventure, is a no-budget project, so I can't pay you. I would also be very happy if you could do your proofreading within six to eight weeks. If I "allow" you more time, your enthusiasm will probably fade. I've had that experience before.
How does it work, if you would be willing? Please send me an e-mail to peter [ at ] Attention, the ending is " .de ". Or fill out the contact form on this website. Or please contact renate [ at ] if you have not received an answer from me within 24 hours, because first mails to me very, very often "end up" in the spam folder.
If you still haven't received a reply from me after two days, please try again. And then "harder". If all electronic attempts fail, a letter on paper would be a last attempt. The address in Germany is here ...
Peter Bach jr.
Bildstraße 25
74223 Flein
The next step would be for you to receive two WORD files from me that list the entire reading offer (... page 1 and page 2) with pictures, headings and captions in your language. At first, please only duplicate each sentence, headline and caption with mistakes. Then there will be twice the paragraph, twice the headline, twice the caption below each other in different places. Please check - before you contact me - how much text there is (... click on your language version). I am also happy if you "only" want to proofread one of the two pages. Or if you only want to optimize half of a page. Please also read the next but one paragraph below the next heading. It is a very important note.
After doubling the areas with errors (... and only those with errors!), you now have the same wording twice below each other. Now color your copy light blue in each case: You will then always have a dark gray text, then a light blue text, then another dark gray text and then another light blue text. Now please change what is wrong in the light blue text, that is in your text: You are correcting my translation. Then please color your change orange. I can then see whether only words have been changed or the entire sentence structure. Important: It must be a block of text that can be copied and transferred: the complete paragraph, the complete headline, the complete caption. I want to be able to copy the complete "block". Even if you have only changed two words. Later, I replace this complete paragraph or this caption or this headline in the appropriate place on my website. This is what it will look like in your Word file:
Johann Sebastian Bach travelled for Hamburg.
Johann Sebastian Bach travelled to Hamburg.
After you received my WORD file, please start with five paragraphs, including an image caption and a headline first. With this, we make sure, I explained my request properly.
A period, or a question mark, or a colon, or an exclamation mark. From period to full stop/colon/question mark/exclamation mark ... all words in between form a text unit. Please do not combine any of my sentences. You are welcome to make changes within the four punctuation marks. Short "units" that would have gotten you a whistle in school are okay with me. That's my style. It helps us, you and me, not to produce chaos in the meaning of my remarks for grammatical reasons. Here is an example of how my sentence could read. And then read how I don't want it to read (... note the dots) ...
"Johann Sebastian walked to Ohrdruf. To his brother. He went to school there. And there he learned to play the violin in the afternoons."
"Johann Sebastian walked to Ohrdruf, where his brother lived, attended school there and learned how to play the violin in the afternoons."
Also very important: Please check in particular whether "Bach" has been translated as "Bach" ( ! ). In English, "Bach" (... the composer) is often translated as "Creek" (... the small river). However, I cannot recognize this in Hindi or Hebrew, for example.
If you need to convert a complete sentence, please color the complete sentence orange.
Also important: the links, or hyperlinks, which are colored red on my page. They are always at the end of a section. So that I can find them. Of course, you should not create links in the background. However, I would like to know what the words are in your language under which I ( ! ) later set up the link. Please also color them red in your language, as it is on my website.
If you don't know a word, please make the effort and google it. I had heartfelt help many years ago. And that's when an épée became a sword. How good that it happened in English ... so I was able to find the misunderstanding. An épée is a cutting and stabbing weapon, so something completely different from a sword.
Plus, "what's an absolute no-no" ... The text was: Bach once refused to marry the daughter of a cantor because she was twelve years older than him. It actually developed to that he didn't marry her because they didn't love each other". That ... would be fatal, because then all readers in your home country, and these are certainly mainly schoolchildren, would receive false information. That ... would be a pity.
And a suggestion as a last resort. Perhaps one of my sentences seems a little too "weird" or confusing for you. Or it doesn't make any sense at all in your language. In this case, you will find the source text "behind" the English and German flag. There you can read what I meant when I produced the text in your language.
And now please enjoy 60 seconds of another Bach short biography video. It will be produced in the second half of 2024.
My wife and I would be very pleased if you could help to make my Johann Sebastian Bach offer even better and more beautiful. Thank you for reading this first long text. © Photo: Roman Schreuer.
Best regards