222 Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies ... Worldwide

222 Bach choirs, Bach orchestras and Bach societies: Just choirs, orchestras and societies, whose members adore Johann Sebastian Bach. You find them almost everywhere on earth, at least one on every continent. On these pages you will find them all: Bach choirs, Bach orchestras and Bach societies, that have the name of the master in its own.



99 Music Calendars, 33 Composers Calendars, and 33 Bach Calendars 

It is not just a Bach calendar. Actually, it is a "Bach Cities and Bach Places Calendar": 3 sizes, European + US style. 2024 + 2025.

In all five shops you will find Bach busts, Bach figures, Bach calendars and many, many other articles which, together with the designs of the publisher, make perfect Bach gifts. Here you can find all the shops and then decide where to go next. With one click.



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When are Bach Choirs Bach Choirs and a Bach Society Actually a Bach Society?


Why is one of the Bach choirs not listed here? To be very open-minded, maybe it's just because I haven't found it. Because actually on this page of my website every Bach choir, every Bach orchestra and every Bach society on earth is supposed to be here. However, a link is missing, if a choir, an orchestra or a society has no "Bach" in its official name. Plus, there is a second little hurdle. If there is a Bach choir plus a Bach orchestra, let's say, in Singapore, it's only mentioned twice, if they are really two different institutions. And because that on the other hand is a little different to tell, it depends on the website of this Bach society, this Bach orchestra or this Bach choir. Do both, society and orchestra have two different websites, than they are listed here separately too. If not - then they are not.


If you feel, a Bach choir, a Bach orchestra or a Bach society is missing, please write me a mail. Just click here, whether I already know about it. I am looking forward to your mail and I will upgrade the list. If there is one institution not existing anymore, a Bach choir or a Bach orchestra or a Bach society, I would as well be pleased about such a hint. Plus, that is also true if a hyperlink doesn't work properly. Thanks very much from a Bach fan.


© arsdigital / fotolia.com

Bach choirs and Bach orchestras: did you know there are almost as many Bach institutions in Germany as there are in the USA and Great Britain combined?


© draghicich / fotolia.com

... in the United Kingdom, you find a lot of Bach choirs and Bach orchestras. In Berlin, Germany (... the image above) there are several Bach institutions in one city.


© Marco2811/ fotolia.com

In Hamburg, Germany, you find one Bach society and two Bach choirs.


© Punto Studio Foto / fotolia.com

The United Kingdom is one of the "Big Three", when it comes to Bach choirs, Bach orchestras and Bach societies. Together with the United States and Germany, the United Kingdom is neck to neck, so to speak.


© JFL Photography / fotolia.com

Austria is next in the number of Bach choirs and Bach orchestras and holds a respectable fifth place behind the USA, the UK, Canada and Germany. However, what you see in the photo above is Salzburg, the Mozart City.


© NING RUAN / fotolia.com

The USA caught up powerful: in this country on the other side of the Atlantic more Bach orchestras and Bach choirs as well as Bach societies all over the world were founded in the last 100 years than anywhere else. In Seattle, there is the Seattle Bach Choir.


© Waldteufel / fotolia.com

There seems to be almost no metropolis in the United States of America, where you don't find at least one Bach choir or a Bach orchestra.


© leungchopan / fotolia.com

In Asia, interest in classical music of European composers is booming. And with that, you can't miss Johann Sebastian Bach. The most exotic* Bach choirs and Bach orchestras in Asia are located in Hong Kong and in Tokyo, Japan. * I call it "exotic" for the reason that I as a German and European consider Chinese music less familiar than British or American, Italian or French.


© Anh Ngo / fotolia.com

Australia, you see Sidney in the photo, and New Zealand are those nations with a Bach choir and Bach orchestra, which with the biggest distance away from "Bach Country", which is Thuringia in Germany, who honor the master with giving a choir or an orchestra his name.



The Illustrations Coming With Every Bach Choir, Bach Orchestra and Bach Society


On the following pages you will get a photo of the city or metropolis coming with every Bach choir, Bach orchestra or Bach society, in which this institution is practising and performing.


To provide you with an exciting illustration coming with the name of the Bach institution, we have decided for great photos, that do not necessarily match to the church, the community, the town or the suburb, where this choir, orchestra or society is located. Even more: sometimes we didn't even find a good photo of one or another city at all.


So, it's almost accidental, that we have a perfect picture of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche matching the introduction of the Bach Choir at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche. It's actually the exception to the rule.



The Bach Biography for Children is Not Just for Children. Listen to the Version Narrated by a Pro and Music by Bach 

It's true for German-speaking folks only: You just don't know - as the author or as the publishing company - what's more exciting: The real book on real paper or the audiobook with so many music pieces composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Get to the store with a click on the link below.

10,000+ music gifts, and many music calendars … learn more.



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The "Bach On Bach Moving Service"


Did you meanwhile conduct very much to become a Bach fan? Good, then this is the place for you. Because on "Bach On Bach" there is always something to experience and to read right away, something to listen to or something to watch - but you'll always will find a little "manual" on page one of a chapter.


On these pages of your Bach website honoring the composer and Thomas Cantor, we will introduce Bach institutions from all over the world. And because here on "Bach On Bach" you are not only just provided with lists, we just arrange them internationally. Now, what does that mean?


Plus, finally - what actually is the "Bach Moving Service". This question and this hint are not really meant honestly (... again) – really serious, that is what you don't find on this website. However: from now on it was never ever been so easy to move from one city to another – of course here it's only in the matter of Bach.


What has this Bach Band from Rochester, IL to do with this website, and why is it on this page? There is, actually, no reason. Or is there? Of course, the Bach Band is no Bach orchestra in the sense of this page, but who wants to take this title from these guys away? Actually, it's a unique Bach orchestra! Those eight gentlemen didn't only carry the name of Bach, they were related to Johann Sebastian Bach, without exception.



What Is Special?


Here, in this corner of my website I will introduce every Bach institution to you. Every Bach choir, every Bach society and every Bach orchestra who adores the work of Johann Sebastian Bach that much, that the composer's name is part of the institution's name.


Two years ago I even had the idea to provide a page to every single Bach choir, Bach orchestra and Bach society on an independent website, where coming Bach events and Bach concerts could have been announced. Published by each society or choir or orchestra.


But as this project, during the last 24 months, was a gigantic "guinea pig", a first try turned out to take too much time effort. To cultivate a friendship to every Bach choir, every Bach orchestra and every Bach institution, would have been a challenge of a greater magnitude and so there is only a little remaining of the "guinea pig" left: that is the introduction of all institutions and the title of the planned website, which wanted to spread its program into the world. Maybe just the time wasn't right. Maybe it's still coming down the road. 36 months after I wrote these line, the dream came true in a different way: there is a page on this website, where interested Bach institutions might publish their events. Click here to visit this page and if you feel, you would like to spread your event all over the planet, please feel free to contact me: send me text between 50 and 200 words plus a picture or PDF. Plus, the date or the first date and the last date, if it's about a several day event or a several weeks event.


Actually, I planned a separate website. Events, concerts, exhibitions – just all events related to the theme of Johann Sebastian Bach were supposed to be published here. Every Bach coir, every Bach orchestra and every Bach society should have received its own space on this portal, to announce Bach events  in the oncoming year. This image of the website above is left, and as I feel it turned out nice, I keep it here for eternity. However, please be advised: there never was such a magazine with that front page.


Top    I    To the List



From A as Amsterdam to Z like Zürich: Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies


In the very beginning of this website and project I just wanted to put a long list together. Not related to the country one city follows another city just on a alphabetical order. And so the Bach orchestra in Aachen in Germany is listed earlier than the Bach institution in Baltimore in the USA. And Baltimore is listed earlier than Tokio and Tokio is earlier than Zürich in Switzerland.


However, you can list is earlier to navigate, and that is possible without installing more subpages. That is why you will find here and now and if you scroll down a little a list arranged by countries. There it's well arranged.


After all, what is the criteria, which is important to embed a Bach choir, a Bach orchestra or a Bach society in the list - ant that is to say, not just to get a mile long list and not to bore everyone? It is not that easy. It has to do with the fact how self-sufficient a choir, an orchestra, respectively a society is. Main criteria is - how could it be different – the internet. For instance: if there is a Bach society in Melbourne, and some members are singing in a choir, then Melbourne is represented just once in my list on my website. And that is exactly with the title, which the society or the orchestra chose.. So, this is either the "Tampa Bach Society" or the "Tampa Bach Society and Choir". However, if there are two institutions - and just as an example we choose Orlando, this great town in Central Florida – which act absolutely closed, that is they have two websites, then they are listed here as two different organizations - which would be two entries in every list of this website.


Of course, you will find the most Bach choirs, Bach orchestras and Bach societies in Germany – but Johann Sebastian Bach is almost loved in the same way by the United States of America and Great Britain, which follow close with almost the same number of Bach choirs, Bach orchestras and Bach societies. In Germany there are 88 organizations, there are some 40 in both the United States and in Great Britain. Leipzig and London are the cities with the most Bach choirs, orchestras and societies in one city.


You now have the option: if you are looking for a Bach choir or a Bach society, you will find yours quickly checking my list below. If you have fun surfing the net, and you take this "Bach Adventure Park" as I designed it, then you change directly to the list based on international locations. The first letter of the city counts, and you might find the Bach choir in Honk Kong sooner than a Bach orchestra located in India or behind a Bach society in Germany: it's mixed really colorful and entertaining.


Have much fun with looking for and finding your Bach choir, your Bach orchestra or your Bach society.



What a disappointment: Not of every country, you see the flag here, there is a Bach choir, a Bach orchestra or a Bach society. No ... this here is just a nice illustration.



A Very Boring List: All Bach Choirs, All Bach Orchestras, All Bach Societies


Here is where the story of one of the most famous composers all over the world started almost 333 years ago. In Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany. Here is where the Bach Family once lived, in the nowadays Bach House next door to the modern Bach Museum. But Johann Sebastian Bach wasn't born in this house. However: it happened just a few steps away.



Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Australia

1     Bach Society and Choir, Brisbane

2     Bach Ensemble, Canberra

3     Australien Bach Society, Melbourne, Australien

4     Melbourne Bach Choir, Australien

5     Sydneian Bach Choir and Orchestra, Sydney, Australien



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in China

1     The Windsbach Boys Choir, Shanghai

2     Hong Kong Bach Choir

3     Hong Kong Bach Choir and Orchestra



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99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars ... Plus We Are Proud of our Bach Coloring Book!

It is our pride, as three members of the Bach family were involved to create it: The Bach Coloring Book. Start to excite your kids for classical music as early as possible. Plus minimize transportation cost by ordering together. Get to the shop with a click on the link below.

So many cool music gifts and so many exciting Bach gifts ... you get with a click here to the shops.



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Germany


 1     Aachener Bachverein, Aachen

 2     Aachener Kammerchor, Aachen

 3     Altöttinger Bachchor, Altötting

 4     Bachchor Arnstadt

 5     Bachchor Bad Homburg

 6     Bachchor der Erlöserkirche Bad Homburg

 7     Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Haus, Bad Segeberg

 8     Kammerorchester Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Berlin

 9     Bachchor a. d. Kaiser-Wilh.-Gedächtniskirche, Berlin

10    Bachchor Dahlem, Berlin-Dahlem

11    Friedemann-Bach-Orchester Berlin

12    Bach-Chor Bonn

13    Bachchor Bremerhaven

14    Bückeburger Bach-Orchester, Bückeburg

15    Bachchor Coburg

16    Bach-Chor Darmstadt

17    Dinslakener Bach-Chor, Dinslaken

18    Dortmunder Bachchor, Dortmund

19    Bachverein Düsseldorf

20    Bachhaus und Bach Museum, Eisenach

21    Bachchor Eisenach

22    Bach-Verein Erlangen

23    Essener Bachchor, Essen

24    Kettwiger Bach-Ensemble, Essen-Kettwig

25    Flensburger Bach-Chor, Flensburg

26    Bachchor Frankfurt

27    Freiburger Bachchor

28    Freiburger Bachorchester, Freiburg

29    Bach Chor & Orchester Fürstenfeldbruck

30    Gelsenkirchener Bach-Chor

31    Görlitzer Bachchor, Görlitz

32    Bachchor Gotha

33    Bachchor Gütersloh

34    Bach-Chor Hagen

35    Bach-Chor der Johanniskantorei Halle

36    Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor Hamburg

37    Hamburger Bachchor St. Petri, Hamburg

38    Hamburger Bachverein, Hamburg

39    Bachchor Hannover

40    Bachchor Heidelberg

41    Bach-Chor Kilianskirche Heilbronn

42    Bachchor Karlsruhe

43    Sing Bach, Karlsruhe

44    Kasseler Bachchor, Kassel

45    Bachchor Koblenz

46    Bachverein Koblenz

47    Bach Verein Köln

48    Deutsches Bachorchester, Köln

49    Bach-Chor Konstanz

50    Bachchor Köthen

51    Bachchor Leipzig

52    Bachorchester des Gewandhauses Leipzig

53    Neue Bachgesellschaft, Leipzig

54    Thomanerchor Leipzig

55    Bachchor Leverkusen

56    Bachchor St. Marien, Lilienthal

57    Lübecker Bach-Chor, Lübeck

58    Bachchor Lüneburg

59    Lüneburger Bachorchester, Lüneburg

60    Bachchor Mainz

61    Bachchor Mannheim

62    Marburger Bachchor, Marburg

63    Bachchor, Mühlhausen

64    Münchberger Bachchor, Münchberg

65    Münchener Bach-Chor und Bach-Orchester, München

66    Bach Collegium München

67    K. Richter & Munich Bach Choir & Orchestra, München

68    Bachchor Neumünster

69    Bachchor St. Lorenz Nürnberg

70    Bach-Orchester Nürnberg

71    Bach-Chor Ortenau

72    Bach-Chor Osnabrück

73    Bachorchester Pforzheim

74    Bachchor Ravensburg

75    Rendsburger Bachchor, Rendsburg

76    Bachchor Saarbrücken

77    Bachchor und Bachorchester Siegen

78    Bachchor Stuttgart

79    Internationale Bach-Akademie, Stuttgart

80    Trierer Bachchor, Trier

81    Bachchor Tübingen

82    Bachchor Villingen

83    Wasserburger Bach-Chor, Wasserburg

84    Bach Stammhaus Wechmar e.V.

85    Bachhaus Weimar e.V.

86    Bachchor Wiesbaden

87    Wittener Bach-Chor, Witten

88    Wormser Bachchor, Worms

89    Bachchor Würzburg



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Finland


1     The Lathi Bach Choir, Helsinki



More info? One click brings you to the top. Left is the navigation. Look for the city: the first letter in the name of the city counts.



Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in France


1     Bach Collegium, Paris



Visit their website? Click the city via navigation.



99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars, Bach Calendars and Bach Gifts: The Exciting Offer of "Bach 4 You"!

You can order this Bach tin figure painted and unpainted. Plus, there is a flat one, as well ... painted and unpainted. You get to the shop via the link below.

Are these the cutest composer busts around? Yes, they are. But they are also composer erasers. Click here to get directly to the shop.



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Hungary


1    Hungarian Bach Society, Budapest

2    Budapest Bach Consort



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in the United Kingdom


 1     Aberdeen Bach Choir

 2     City of Bath Bach Choir

 3     Birmingham Bach Choir

 4     Bournemouth Bach Choir

 5     Bristol Bach Choir

 6     Bury Bach Choir

 7     Bach Choir at the Cambridge Univ. Music.Soc. Chorus

 8     Cardiff Bach Choir

 9     Cheltenham Bach Choir

10    Chesterfield Bach Choir

11    Colchester Bach Choir

12    Yorkshire Bach Choir, Cottingham

13    Derby Bach Choir

14    Edinburgh Bach Choir

15    Exeter Bach Society

16    The Eye Bach Choir

17    Tilford Bach Society, Farnham

18    Furness Bach Choir

19    Grimsby Bach Choir

20    The Guernsey Bach Choir

21    Gwent Bach Society

22    Hull Bach Choir

23    Ipswich Bach Choir

24    Keele Bach Choir

25    Royal Leamington Spa Bach Choir

26    The Leicester Bach Choir

27    The East Sussex Bach Choir, Lewis

28    The East Cornwall Bach Choir, Liskeard

29    The Bach Choir at Cadogan Hall, London

30    The Bach Choir, London

31    The London Bach Orchestra

32    Croydon Bach Choir, London

33    The London Bach Society

34    Manchester Bach Choir

35    Newcastle Bach Choir

36    Northampton Bach Choir 

37    Nottingham Bach Choir

38    Oxford Bach Choir

39    Reading Bach Choir

40    Sheffield Bach Society

41    Southport Bach Choir

42    St. Albans Bach Choir

43    Swansea Bach Choir

44    Yorkshire Bach Choir



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Japan


1     Bach Collegium Japan, Tokyo und Kobe

2     The Bach Choir Matsuyma



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Canada


1     Calgary Bach Society, Alberta

2     Bach Elgar Choir, Hamilton, Ontario

3     Montreal Bach Choir, Québec

4     Ottawa Bach Choir, Ontario

5     Luther Bach Choir, Regina, Saskatchewan

6     Bach Chil.'s Chor. & Bach Cham. Youth Choir, Toronto

7     Vancouver Bach Choir, British Columbia



More info? One click brings you to the top. Left is the navigation. Look for the city: the first letter in the name of the city counts.



Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Latvia


1     Riga Bach Choir



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in New Zealand


1     Bach Choir of Wellington



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99 Music Calendars: Pipe Organ Calendars, Composers Calendars, and Bach Calendars

Not less than 99 music calendars is what "Bach 4 You", the shop of the publishing house, offers in the common "Bach mission" starting in the 2016 season. 33 music calendars, 33 Bach calendars and 33 composers calendars. And they are created from very traditional to ultra cool. For musicians and friends of music. Decide for this Bach calendar in two options: 2024 + 2025. You get to the shop here.

Yes, there is a Mozart calendar and a Beethoven calendar as well. Please support our Johann Sebastian Bach mission … learn more.


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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in the Netherlands


1     Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands, Amsterdam

2     Nederlandse Bachverenigin, Naarden



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras and Bach Societies in Norway


1     Oslo Bach Choir



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Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Austria


1     Salzburger Bachchor, Salzburg

2     Bach-Chor Wels

3     Bachchor Wien

4     Bachgemeinde Wien

5     Bach Consort, Wien



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Romania


1     Hermannstädter Bachchor, Hermannstadt



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Russia


1     Kronstädter Bachchor, Brasow, former Kronstadt

2     Jekatarinenburg Chamber Orchestra B-A-C-H



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99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars

This Bach calendar with the cool Bach postage stamps isn't "invented" for stamp collectors: However, it is a Bach postage stamp calendar. Plus ... you get it for 2024 + 2025. US style + EU style. Get to the shop via a click here.



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Sweden


1     Stockholm Bach Choir



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Switzerland


1     Basler Bach-Chor, Basel

2     Berner Bach-Chor, Bern

3     Choeur J.-S. Bach, Lausanne

4     Internationale Bach-Gesellschaft, Schaffhausen

5     Bachchor St. Gallen

6     Orchester der J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen

7     Zürcher Bach Chor, Zürich



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Spain


1     Sociedad Bach, Madrid



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in South Africa


1     Johannes Burg Bach Choir

2     Pretoria Bach Choir



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99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars

This composers calendar is "mother of all composers calendars". It was created already one year earlier than all following 32. You get to the shop via a click here. Your option: 2024 + 2025. US style, EU style.



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Bach Choirs, Bach Orchestras, Bach Societies in Taiwan


1     Chamber Philharmonic Taipei & Bach Choir



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99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars

A cool Bach calendar: Just start to excite your kids for classical music. Both Bach calendar and Bach coloring book come in two languages: English and German. Plus, it's exotic for kids ... maybe the first words they hear or read in a foreign language. Your choice: 2024 + 2025. US + EU style.

It's almost not possible, to introduce Bach in Particular and classical music in general to the littlest. First color the pictures, then cut them out and finally pin them to the wall in the kid's bedrooms. Even cooler. Frame them before you hang them on the wall. To the shop? Please click here.



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 1     Bach in Baltimore, MD

 2     Baldwin Wallace Bach Festiv.Alumni Choir, Berea, OH

 3     The Bach Choir of Bethlehem, PA

 4     Bach Society Orch., Harv. Univ., Cambr., Boston, MA 

 5     Chattanooga Bach Choir, TN

 6     Carmel Bach festival, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA

 7     Dallas Bach Society, TX

 8     Bach Society of Dayton, OH

 9     Denton Bach Society, TX

10    Bach Children's Choir of Fresno, CA

11    The American Bach Society, Gambler, OH

12    The Bach Chorale of Grand Rapids, MI

13    The Berkshire Bach Society, Great Barrington, MA

14    Bach Festival Choir, Greenville, SC

15    Bach Society Houston, TX

16    Juneau Bach Society, AK

16    Bach Chorale Singers, Lafayette, IN

17    Kentucky Bach Choir, Lexington, KT

18    Louisville Bach Society, KT

20    Miami Bach Society, FL

21   The Bach Chamber Choir, Milwaukee, WI

22   The Yale Bach Society, New Haven, CT

23   The Broadway Bach Orchestra, NY, NY

24    Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity, New York, N.Y.

25    The Columbia University Bach Society, NY, NY

26    California Bach Society, Palo Alto, CA

27    Pittsboro Bach Society, NC

28    Bach Choir of Pittsburgh, PA

29    Bach Cantata Choir, Portland, OR

30    Texas Bach Choir, San Antonio, TX

31    The Bach Society of St. Louis, MO

32    Bach Society of Minnesota, St. Paul, MI

33    San Francisco Bach Choir, CA

34    The California Bach Society, San Francisco, CA

35    The New Mexico Bach Society, Santa Fe, NM

36    Seattle Bach Choir, WA

37    Sonoma Bach Choir, CA

38    St. Andrew's Bach Society, Tucson, AZ

39    The Bach Institute at Valparaiso University, IN

40    Bach Festival Society, Winter Park, FL


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Viele Orgel-Kalender und viele Komponisten-Kalender

10,000+ music gifts, 99 music calendars … learn more.

The Bach biography plus a Bach calendar: ... the best of both worlds. 3 sizes, European style, 2024 + 2025. US + EU style. You get to the shop again further down this page.

Bach calendars for children. The shop "Bach 4 You" offers Bach gifts plus exactly 99 music calendars. 33 Bach calendars, 33 composers calendars and 33 music calendars. 3 sizes. 2024 + 2025. 

Bed linen, cushions, USB sticks, T-shirts, mugs, beer steins and so much more ... and that with Bach designs or with music designs ... that's what you'll find in the internet shops of "Bach 4 You". This is where you can get there.



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