A dreamlike organ in a dreamlike church. However, Johann Sebastian Bach has never played on this organ. This organ is located in the Petrikirche in Waldsassen, Germany.
Which instruments did Johann Sebastian
Bach play? Here you get an answer fast.
That Bach composed organ works, is what you know. That he was considered best organ player on the planet, too? However ... that he was an organ expert? What music work fits better to the theme of organ and Johann Sebastian Bach than the Toccata in D-Minor? In a little video with a length of just three and a half minutes Music Director Robert Rudolph at the United Methodist Church plays this work of Bach or you. You will see pictures of the twenty most beautiful organs in the world. A few more, actually there are more than 4,500 organs, and you might want to discover them after watching the video. For such click to the website www.die-orgelseite.de in both English and German.
With what kind of musical discipline do you associate Johann Sebastian Bach first? And this question doesn't target of course Bach experts, as well not the many musicians and not to those, who feel home in the territory of classical music. This question is for Bach starters, whether it's the beginning of an excitement for Bach or classical music in the middle of life is or whether it's linked with a first meeting of this kind of music in your schooldays.
A Cool Pipe Organ Wall Calendar at "Bach 4 You" in 2 Styles
You can buy this cool pipe organ calendar in the size 8.3 inches by 11.7 inches only in the shop at "Bach 4 You" or at Amazon. However, you can order this pipe organ calendar in the shop in two additional sizes, which is 11.7 inches by 16.5 inches and in 16.5 inches by 23.4 inches. In US style or EU style. You get to the shop with a click here. Plus, you get it this year and next year.
Meet the European calendar style on "Bach 4 You" and the US calendar style on "Zazzle" … learn more.
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He was – no doubt – the greatest expert on the organ, who ever lived: Johann Sebastian Bach. He composed for the organ, the queen of all musical instruments. He played godly on it and he was one of the most respected organ building inspectors back then.
In advance: Johann Sebastian Bach didn't build organs. But kind of is true. If you asked yourself, when you read the headline of this paragraph about Johann Sebastian Bach and the construction of organs. First and foremost Johann Sebastian Bach has gone into history as a composer. As a tone setter, a tone poet a creative, who left the world a treasure of breathtaking music. Next category, so to speak, in which Bach was brilliant, is the art to play musical instruments. As well with this Bach was an exception, and he is still considered as one of the most exceptionally gifted musicians of all times. Plus he was an all-rounder: he did not only perform on one instrument, but he was an exceptionell artist in many disciplines, that is he played many instruments to perfection. His play on the violin was of a quality, that lead directly to a first job in Weimar. Plus Cembalo, spinet and piano were "right down his alley".
But Johann Sebastian Bach was not only the most exceptionally gifted organ players of all times. Because what he was able to compose, he was capable to perform as well. And still today the best organists and the most exceptionally gifted of all musicians are one opinion, that probably never again there will be a musician who plays the organ better than Johann Sebastian Bach did back then.
Johann Nicolaus Forkel was the first to write a real biography about Johann sebastian Bach. Read, what he stated about Bach's relationship to the organ:
Charles Burney lived from 1726 until 1814 and was a British music historian, a composer and an organist. He explains clearly, in which league of playing the organ Johann Sebastian Bach was home.
Friedrich II of Hesse-Kassel (not to confuse with Friedrich II, King of Prussia). Did you know, that he rented out soldiers to America to fight in the War of Independence? About Johann Sebastian Bach he said the following:
There is a website on the internet, which will definitely excite all Bach enthusiast. And for all who are interested in the organ as an instrument or are even excited, this portal is the mecca. I am talking about the website www.die-orgelseite.de, a German website, but in both English and German. You will find no place on the internet, where there are more organs. On this website you will find more than 4,500 organs. These organs are breathtaking, and the photos are as well. In many years, actually decades, the author collected, researched, did own photographs and cared about copyrights. No question: this website is worth not only one visit. Now I show you a short appetizer of what www.die-orgelseite.de has to offer: they are the most exciting and most beautiful organs in the whole world, and you get a perfect taken photo in addition. Correct: Johann Sebastian Bach played on none of these organs. However, such a small "excursion" close to the main theme, that is approved on "Bach on Bach" once in a while.
This Pipe Organ Calendar Is Just 1 Calendar Out of 99 Real Cool Music Calendars!
In size 11.7 inches by 16.5 inches, it's only available in bookstores and here and there as well. In a smaller size which is 8.3 inches by 11.7 inches, you get it in the shop of "Bach 4 You" and we are looking forward to hearing from you. 33 Bach calendars. Three sizes. This year and next year. To the shop.
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Of course, we will guide you a little further in the matter of organs on the Internet. And come first – almost by way of course – at Wikipedia. Then there is an exciting information and via a Bach organ, in honor of the composer Eisenacher "only Bach organ is called", namely the Bach organ in Regensburg. However, Bach's organ music is particularly well represented. And once, the path also leads us to YouTube, an organ deputy for hundreds more on this video channel. To conclude this chapter, a few organ builders should be present. And since the Woehl organ projects would be listed: The organ workshop is responsible for work on the organ at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig responsible. Another address goes – representing dozens, if not hundreds of organ-building companies – and that would be Heinz Hoffmann organ building. Finally, it is referred to here as the organ side of an organist and composer: It is worth visiting the site of Hartwig Barte-Hanssen in Wilster. Just have a look at it.
Why?? So, why didn't he perform on them or why am I presenting you these organs here anyway? The asnwer to the second question: because these organs are unbelievable cool. Please enjoy my pictures and please forgive me for my fun. Well, the first question. Hm, I have no quality answer to the first part of the mentioned question.
The organ No. 2, on which Johann Sebastian Bach never played and never inspected: in the Berlin Dome, Germany.
Organ No. 3, on which Johann Sebastian never played. The one in the Ettal Abbey church in Germany.
Organ No. 4, on which Johann Sebastian Bach never played: you will find it in Zurich, Switzerland.
Organ No. 5, on which Johann Sebastian Bach did not play: you can experience this organ in person in Grenada, Spain.
Organ No. 6, on which Johann Sebastian did not play. Plus, he didn't inspect this at all, as it is located on Teneriffe.
Organ No. 7, on which Johann Sebastian didn't play: you meet it in Ochsenhausen, Bavaria, Germany.
Organ No. 8, on which Johann Sebastian didn't play: a dream in Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany.
Organ No. 9, on which Johann Sebastian never played. However, if there is such a dreamlike organ in Pressburg of all cities, the today's Bratislava, then this organ has to get a place in this chapter.
Organ No. 10, on which Johann Sebastian didn't play: the organ in the Jesuitenkirche in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.
Organ No. 11, on which Johann Sebastian didn't play. With this straight number we close the chapter. Now you "know" 11 of some 4,500 organs. It's a small appetizer. A tiny one. And when you liked these organs, than hop to Martin's website. To www.die-orgel-seite.de of Martin Doering. There you might spend days and one organ is more exciting than the next. And when you now ask yourself, why you saw 11 organs on this page which are not at all related to Johann Sebastian Bach – than click here – or go on reading. It's even getting better.
If you are approaching Johann Sebastian Bach, than Bach is first and foremost a classical composer. That is what "you just know", you have heard of that, you made acquaintance with him in school and it's still in your memory. Already a little less known is the magnitude, with which Bach was performing music as well and that went from singing to playing the organ. Still today all experts on playing instruments, that have black and white keys agree to one fact: Johann Sebastian Bach was the best organ player on earth and of all times.
However, next what Johann Sebastian Bach was an expert in beyond these two disciplines, is known by only few Bach enthusiasts. Johann Sebastian Bach was an expert in expecting organs as well. He was specialized in both checking how to optimize existing organs and even more, when they needed expertise for newly planned organs here and there. They asked for Bach as an expert, who was, like no other expert in his time, to deliver all three specialities for exactly this instrument: he composed for the organ, he played organ to perfection plus he had much expertise how to build an organ. Johann Sebastian Bach inspected thirteen organs in his career - at least there are still records left of these churches and with that of these thirteen organs. Of course there ware probably more, which he inspected, but because the poor records this knowledge probably is lost forever.
The most exciting organ, which is linked to the acting of Johann Sebastian Bach and the second most exciting and the third most exciting should not be missing in this chapter.
Music Calendars in Two Styles
It is an impressing power page, which Martin Doering collected for you. You will experience over 4,500 organs in 78 countries. But that is by far not all, what really is exciting on this web portal. A click is well worth it. Promise. Just click www.Die-Orgelseite.de and after that chose "English".
In 13 Bach cities and Bach places Johann Sebastian Bach was working as a specialist in organ construction in his life. On my website this is the reason which makes these communities a Bach city or a Bach place. Their order is alphabetical.
The first location on the list of Bach cities and Bach places, in which Bach was hired as an organ expert: Erfurt, Thuringia.
No. 2 on this list of Bach cities and Bach places, in which Bach worked as an organ expert: Altenburg, Thuringia.
No. 3 of Bach cities and Bach places, where Bach got a job as an highly qualified organ expert: Ammern, Thuringia.
No. 4 on the list of Bach cities and Bach places, in which Bach was hired as an organ expert: Bad Berka, Thuringia.
Dresden in the Federal State of Saxony: Here too Johann Sebastian Bach was hired as an organ expert. It's No. 5.
By Zacke82 (Own work) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
No. 6 of all Bach cities and Bach places, in which Johann Sebastian Bach Bach was hired to check on the organ: Gera, Thuringia.
No. 7 is a city in Hesse, actually it's Kassel, one of Bach cities and Bach places, in which Bach was hired as an organ expert.
No. 8 on the list of Bach cities and Bach places, in which Bach was hired as an organ expert: Langewiesen, Thuringia.
von Density (Eigenes Werk) [GFDL oder CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
No. 9 on the list of Bach cities, where Bach was hired as an organ expert: Naumburg, Thuringia.
No. 10, Störmthal, Thuringia. Here as well Johann Sebastian Bach decided, whether the organ builder did a perfect job.
No. 11: one more community on the list of Bach cities and Bach places, in which Bach's expertise as an organ expert was valued: Taubach, Thuringia.
No. 12 on the list of Bach cities and Bach places, in which Bach was hired as an organ expert: Weißensee, Thuringia.
Finally No. 13 in the row of Bach cities and Bach places, where Bach once worked, even if that was just for a few hours or days: Zschortau, Thuringia.
Why is that so? Why can you watch photos of eleven different organs earlier on this page, but on none of them Johann Sebastian Bach has ever played? Followed by thirteen Bach cities and Bach places, better followed by pictures of houses and churches in these communities and more – except one single picture of an organ, which is connected to Bach's expertise.
That – is actually very easy. This Bach website is more entertaining than serious science. And because the organs, on which Bach played and which he inspected and for which he made suggestions, are not the most beautiful on earth ... plus, if I would show you those, I would have to skip them earlier – exactly for that reason is everything on this website about Johann Sebastian Bach different to all others websites about him.
One queen of instruments is the exception in my list of organs, where Bach's expertise came into play, but which you can't experience on this website. That is, because this one is especially beautiful and the website of pastor Daniel Send is great. It's the organ of organ builder Johann Scheibe and this instrument is located exactly in the church on the last picture above. With a click here you are there.
A small community, a small church, an exquisite organ, a great website. Click and hop?
It's no question, the organ-website of Martin Doering is the most exciting related to this theme on earth. You won't find another, which provides so much information, but even more great pictures of organs: a total of more than 4,500. In addition you will find sound examples, much expertise, links, hints, an expert hint regarding CDs and something very exquisite: the organ specials. You can learn more, how an organ is working, who it's constructed and how these instruments developed during the centuries – plus, what I am always very interested in: the funny stuff and the world records, which he has collected for his visitors and fans. Even links to nowadays organ builders are provided, just in case you are a pastor or an organist and may need a new organ.
It's surely years of work and passion and it's clear you do have to understand how to take brilliant photos, so you can deliver such a quality on a website like this one. Just visit that great please. It's rewarding – so much is true.
And a secret tip: if you like, what you see plus your German is at least sort of okay, there is a place called "About me" and even deeper there is a chapter "Droehnich's Letters" – that alone is worth a visit. However, sorry folks, the letters are in German. But wouldn't that be one more reason to learn this "easy" language? Click here and you get directly to the letters.
Yes, you saw this picture before on top of my page about organs already. However this website of Martin Doering is so worth a visit, that I just wanted to invite you to click one more time: just click here. Or on the picture above.
The Pipe Organ Wall Calendar on the Organ Page: Is There A Better Way to Finish on this Subject Here and Now?
Sure, it has to be exactly this way: For the last time, we introduce the organ calendar here, which you can order in the small size 8.3 inches by 11.7 inches in our shop directly short before Christmas. Next year you can order this one again and there will be a next organ calendar as well. Plus, there are 33 Bach calendars. Three sizes. This year and next year. To the shop.
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