Is Taubach Bach city or Bach place? Taubach is a Bach place in category C. Aren't there at least 50 Bach cities or Bach places? No. No. No. But 50 would be that easy, that is to say no big deal if we add the towns and villages were relatives or the master have lifed or performed.
In 1712 Johann Sebastian Bach examined the organ in the St. Ursula Church in Taubach. This organ was built by Heinrich Nicolaus Trebs, the organ builder in the dukedom of Saxony-Weimar.
99 Music Calendars: Pipe Organ Calendars, Composers Calendars, and Bach Calendars
A music calendar, a composers calendar, a Bach calendar: three sizes, this year and next year. EU and US style. To the shop.
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Bach cities, Bach places ... great pictures. Taubach on additional pics? Just click here.
Taubach is a district of the dreamlike town of Weimar and some 1,150 residents are living there. Taubach was a community, when Bach was living and that is the reason, why Taubach is listed here separately, as if it would still be an independent community. In the year 1120 the village was mentioned for the first time in a document, and there isn't much more to write. If you need more information so badly and your German is at least sort of ok, there is a little more, like always, on Wikipedia.
33 maps, 33 Bach cities or places. Taubach is a category C Bach place.
Many Pipe Organ Calendars, Many Composers Calendars
You can still get all the pipe organ calendars that the publisher has published in the past years. Of course, with the actual calendar. Printed especially for you. To the shop.
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Is Weißensee Bach city or Bach place? Weissensee is a Bach place in category C.
In Weißensee, Johann Sebastian Bach inspected the newly constructed organ, which was built by organ builder Carl W. Schäfer in the years 1737 until 1738 for the St. Peter and Paul Church.
Bach cities, Bach places ... great pictures. Weissensee on additional pics (... a great place to take photos)? Just click here.
Weißensee belongs to the smaller communities of the Bach Places of category C too. With 3,400 residents, you should not confuse this place with its namesake in Austria. Worth a visit are the monument for Walther von der Vogelweide, a historic catapult, the castle and a Chinese garden. Plus every once in a while there is a festival on the historic marketplace. You will find some more benchmark figures here.
33 maps, 33 Bach cities or places. Weissensee is a category C Bach place.
99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars
Bach calendar, much more precisely ... a Bach postage stamps calendar. Three sizes, this year and next year, EU + US style. You get to the shop with a click here.
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...actually they are erasers! You get to the shop with a click here.
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Is Wiederau Bach city or Bach place? Wiederau is a Bach place in category C.
It was in the year 1737, when Bach composed the cantata "Pleasant Wiederau, be pleased about your meadows". On September 28th 1737 the composer himself showed up to perform this cantata for the first time in the Castle Wiederau. That of course is reason enough to introduce this place, when the text in a cantata.
Bach cities, Bach places ... great pictures. Wiederau on additional pics? Sorry, I checked twice, there was nothing more to take a photo from. I am happy, I managed six.
Correct, there shouldn't live fewer residents. It would remain in the category C of Bach places, but we couldn't call it a place anymore. Just kidding. 400 residents. Wiederau is part of the community of Pegau. And Pegau is located south of Leipzig. The Baroque Castle is worth to be mentioned, the paintings on the inside are even more exciting. And, when you are thirsty for knowledge now, you are right, I could have written a little bit more. But that is, what you have your mouse for.
33 maps, 33 Bach cities or places. Wiederau is a category C Bach place.
1 Bach Calendar? No, 33 Bach Calendar
This is a music gift, a gift for musicians, a music calendar and a Bach calendar: The Bach monuments calendar. Three sizes. This year, next year. EU + US style. To the shop.
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