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Peter Bach, Jr. (... on the right): I am the creative person behind this website about Johann Sebastian Bach and more about this theme too. Plus it's such a fun for me writing about the composer, I "invented" a biography for children about Johann Sebastian Bach. Plus there is a website "".




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Flein in Southern Germany: Home of the Author ... a Likeable, Short Video

That is the only short video about Flein that exists and shows this tiny, wellknown wine village in a very emotional way. It's with film and stills, it's narrated by a professional and comes with music. Just enjoy.



Thousands of Exciting Bach Gifts, Tens of Thousands of Cool Music Gifts

We wish you a really cool time in the five Bach online shops of "Bach 4 You", where you can discover lots of great Bach gifts ... find out more here.



99 Music Calendars: Pipe Organ Calendars, Composers Calendars, and Bach Calendars

Bach calendars. Three sizes. 2024 + 2025. EU style plus US style. To the shop.



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