Bach Monuments and Bach Memorials on Photos. Plus the History and Stories Coming with

These 33 Bach Tributes on Earth

In Leipzig, actually just 20 steps away from the new Bach Monument, plus only 5 steps away from the St. Thomas Church, you will find it today: the oldest monument on earth, that honors Bach. In the green area there.



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Bach monuments, or even Bach monuments in honor of Johann Sebastian. In any case, there is more than you suspect at the moment. And beyond the monuments there are homage. One is honoring the composer with a plaque, a church window and sometimes also as a person in a group similar to famous musicians. Here you will find all these Bach monuments. Not yet today, because they are so far away from Germany as Pittsburgh in the USA or in Prague in the Czech Republic – or just as hidden as the Tauber, which was rediscovered until 2015, before I photographed it – not with a single one Picture at Google. The Bach monuments and Bach's homage also have the appropriate story, sometimes stories. In the coming years, I would like to photograph them all by myself, these monuments of the Bach. One after the other. In the summer of 2015, I did not yet know about this whole ensemble of church windows, the Bach in Rothenburg honors. And exactly two weeks later I learned for the first time that Bach was also honored in Prague. There he stands, visible to all his fellow musicians, waiting for me to be photographed.



One of the Most Famous Bach Monuments Is Located in the Bach City of Eisenach


More pictures of the Johann Sebastian Bach monument in Eisenach: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



Plus One Gloomy Bach in Eisenach!


Yes, he's a little terrifying, Johann Sebastian Bach over and over in black. Plus there are not more pics from this Bach monument on Flickr. Maybe, after I had been there for a next time.



The Bach Monument in the Bach City Köthen, Saxony-Anhalt


More pictures of the Johann Sebastian Bach monument in Köthen: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



One of the Youngest Bach Monument in "Our" Bach City Arnstadt, Thuringia


More pictures of the Johann Sebastian Bach monument in Arnstadt: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



The Oldest Bach Memorial: The Old Bach Monument in the Bach City Leipzig


More pictures of the old Johann Sebastian Bach monument in Leipzig: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



The Most Famous Bach Memorial: The New Bach Monument in Leipzig, Saxony


More pictures of the Johann Sebastian Bach monument in Leipzig: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



The "Bach Quarter" in Leipzig – 4 Tributes: inside the St. Thomas Church and Around


The Bach window in the St. Thomas Church: Donated by a Leipzig resident and installed right behind the (outside) New Bach Monument later. From this monument, too there are no additional pics on Flickr.


The Highest Honor: Johann Sebastian's Gravesite in the St. Thomas Church


It was a long way until his final graveyard was found: Finally Johann Sebastian Bach was buried three times.



Really Almost the Smallest of All Bach Monuments: the Mini Tribute in Weimar


More pictures of the Johann Sebastian Bach monument in Weimar: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



Dornheim: Actually the Tiniest of All 3D Bach Monuments in the World


More pictures of the Johann Sebastian Bach monument in Dornheim: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



Two Bach Monuments in Ohrdruf: The Older One With a Tribut of Beethoven


More pictures of the first Johann Sebastian Bach monument in Ohrdruf: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



The Second Bach Monument in the Bach City Ohrdruf: JSB is Honored + His Family


More pictures of the 2nd Bach monument in Ohrdruf: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



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One More Really Young Bach Monument: The Bach Monument in Mühlhausen

More pictures of the Johann Sebastian Bach monument in Mühlhausen: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



A Tribute to Johann Sebastian Bach in Paris, France: A Plaque at the Opera


More pictures of Johann Sebastian Bach at the opera in Paris: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.



You Just Have to Know where to Find Him: Johann Sebastian Bach in the Ulm Cathedral, Ulm, Southern Germany 


More pictures of the Johann Sebastian Bach monument in the Ulm Cathedral: with a click here you get to the album on Flickr.


Almost My Youngest Rediscovered Bach Memorial: The Memorial in Rothenburg


© Foto 1/Quelle/Lizenz: Tuxyso [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons; © Foto 2/Quelle/Lizenz: Dr. Volkmar Rudolf [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Rothenburg ob der Tauber, which is Rothenburg on the river Tauber and Johann Sebastian Bach. Just by a great accident this honor of the great composer could be discovered for the Bach fans of this earth. It started with a little commercial stamp, no postage stamp, but one on paper not on a pic on the internet. The words on the lower edge: J.S: Bach in the west choir of the St. Jacob's Church Rothenburg on the Tauber. The content: a musician at the organ on a church window – a painting, not the original, no photo. A request for information whether this dreamlike city is a Bach city resulted in the answer, that Bach had never been in Rothenburg, but the Bach window "is still there"! Where is it precisely: in the St. Jacob's Church. More precisely? Behind the "Altar of the Holy Blood" of world-famous Tilman Riemenschneider. That was – in just a few words – the story behind one more homage to Johann Sebastian Bach in the Bavarian Rothenburg on the Tauber. The pictures in a better quality, is what you find as always on on Flickr.


The Most Asean Bach Monument of All Bach Memorials: Shanghai Honors Bach


© Foto/Illustration: Reinhard Casper /

A Bach monument in Shanghai, a Bach monument in China! What a surprise: After two years of googling and an intensive search over several hours I find the China homepage of Reinhard and Christiane Casper. On the right motive one sees perfectly a part of the cultivated plant and on an additional motive further down there is "the very great perspective". There you can not see the Bach monument, but you can see where the Bach can be found on a visit to Shanghai.



There Are Only Two Bach Monuments in Bavaria: But this Is the Most Modern!


Do you see the inscription "Bach" behind the sculpture (... in the photo above on the right)? This makes me take photos: the Bach Monument in Ansbach. Do you find it nice or rather less funny ? We both find it very cool.



Stories and History Coming with the Many Bach Monuments all Over the Planet

You could really overlook it, the oldest of all Bach monuments, but you do not. For if you have found the Neuenbach monument, just next to the Thomaskirche – and who does not create it – then you hardly think that the second is not 10 seconds away, just the Alte Bach monument. Honor to whom honor is due: there is, of course, the first history of the first Bach monument, which we owe to Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.



Today There Are 33 Bach Monuments All Over the World. However ... One of Them Is Missing Today!


A bach monument is lost. But it could "turn up" again. This one brook monument stood at the Siegesallee in Berlin. So the street was called then. The monument group had been unveiled in 1899 and the artist who created it was Joseph Uphues. To the penultimate turn of the century, Bach was a sub-bust in a group of monuments, the center of which was Frederick the Great. And in fact, this group around the "Old Fritz" was only one of 32 groups. But as in the course of the years, and even decades, documents, music, and even a second portrait of Haußmann from Johann Sebastian Bach have been rediscovered, this monument will some day find its way back to Germany or even to Berlin. If you are interested in this topic now, especially now, there is more, really much more to read.


Well, here it is not all Bach monuments "musicians on pedestals". This starts with the fact that Johann Sebastian Bach is standing next to his pedestal in Mühlhausen, but that is not quite serious. And in Arnstadt he does not stand on him either, but Bach bends around him. And so, the pedestals are missing in some of the honorary times, because they are memories of the master in the form of a glass window, a whole ensemble of glass windows and also a plaque reminding the millennium composer. Some honors are ancient, others are brand new. Some work very baroque, one is made of aluminum. Most of the memories of the skiers are in the open, some of them inside. Prerequisites: all are freely accessible and so the white busts in the Bach Archive in Leipzig, which are absolutely worth seeing in the Nikolaikirche – also in Lepzig – and the Bach Museum in Eisenach, are not listed here, however, in the Bach monuments *


* You have noticed, I change the words Bach monuments and Bach monuments from time to time, then there is the right plural for everyone. Or you are annoyed only every second time.


The Old Bach Monument from its back. See the building on the left? And the left? It is the Thomaskirche. It does not really get much closer.



How Did I Count 33 Bach Monuments? You Would Like to Have a List? Okay!


The Old Bach Monument in Leipzig (1)

The New Bach Monument in Leipzig (2)

The Bach's Grave in the Thomaskirche in Leipzig (3)

The Bach window in the Thomaskirche in Leipzig (4)

The Bach Monument in Köthen am Bachplatz (5)

The Bach plaque at Ludwigsbau in Köthen (6)

The Bach Monument in Eisenach, next to the Bachhaus (7)

The Bach Monument in the Georgenkirche in Eisenach (8) The Bach Monument in Mühlhausen (9)

The Bach Monument in Arnstadt (10)

The Bach plaque at the Bach church in Arnstadt (11)

The Bach Monument in Weimar (12)

The modern Bach monument in Dornheim (13)

The monument of wood in Dornheim (14)

The Bach Monument in Ansbach (15)

The first Bach monument in Ohrdurf at the Georgenkirchturm (16)

The second Bach monument in Ohrdruf in the Park Stadtmitte (17) The Bach-Kirchenfenster-Ensemble in Rothenburg (18)

The Bach Medallion at the Opera in Paris, France (17)

The Bach Monument in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, USA (20)

The Bach Monument Cleveland, Ohio, in the Cultural Garden (21)

The Bach Monument in Shanghai, China (22)

The Bach Monument in Prague at the Rudolfinum (23)

The Bach Monument in Antwerp, Belgium (24)

The Bach plaque at the Marienkirche in Lübeck (25)

The Bach bust at a bourgeoisie in London (26)

The Bach Monument in Valparaiso, Indiana, USA (27)

The Bach plaque at the Friedensbrunnen in New York, USA (28) The Bach window in the chapel of University o.the South (29) The Bach Monument at the Smithonian Museum, Washington (30)

The Bach Monument in Mogliev, Belarus (31)

The Bach Monument in Berkley, California, USA (32)

... and the missing Bach monument in Berlin (33)


Not included in the list are the busts of Johann Sebastian Bach, which were either produced within the framework of the Carl Seffner monument, or produced and arranged in a model, namely the Bachhaus in Eisenach, the Bacharchiv in Leipzig and also in The Nikolaikirche in Leipzig. This is, however, mentioned here for the sake of completeness. And as memorials, in this sense, I have listed all the honors that individuals, groups such as clubs, artists, or even a whole city, represented by the city council, have created or arranged to our Johann Sebastian Bach. Just like the grave in the Thomaskirche.



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The First of All Bach Monuments Is Located in Leipzig: Today For Over 170 Years


The first, and thus the oldest, of all Bach monuments in the world was donated by the German composer Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Without question, he was the most important of Bach's fans. In 1843 it was inaugurated. We owe to Mendelssohn Bartholdy not only the fantastic work of Bach, which after a three-quarters of a century he took from the St. Matthew Passion of Oblivion and reopened it for the first time, introducing the so-called Bach Renaissance Pilgrimage for enthusiasts of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach.


In 1840 the then Gewandhaus-Kapellmeister and composer Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy inspired the creation of a memorial for the composer colleague from Eisenach, and the Leipzig painter, Eduard Bendemann, made a first draft. His colleagues, Ernst Rietschel and Julius Hübner, developed this first draft and finally Hermann Knaur created it. The material is Elbsandstein and probably for this reason the monument had to be restored several times, the last time in 2005. Where it is today, it was then inaugurated three years after the first planning. This place was directly behind the Old Thomasschule some 170 years ago - Bach lived with his family in this house. In 1902 this Old School was unfortunately demolished.


It was exactly on April 23rd, 1843, when Mendelssohn Bartholdy gave a concert with Bach's vocal and instrumental works for the solemn revelation of the Bach Monument. The proceeds from three concerts by Mendelssohn Bartholdy – he had given the first concert on August 6, 1840, an organ soloist and the St. Matthew Passion on April 4, 1841, he gave for this honor of Bach. The amount which, after these three concerts of the master was still missing, was added by the Bach-admirer from his private pocket. This celebration still conjures up goose bumps, one thinks of the concert in the Leipziger Gewandhaus on this day, in which, of course, only Bach works were presented and the Thomanerchor and laienchorsänger sang. A wind choir, consisting of members of the Gewandhausorchester, presented two of Bach's chorales and the moth "Sing a new song to the Lord." A government and city council with the name of Demuth, of course, made a decree. Would that inspire our Johann Sebastian Bach? A city council speaks? On his day of honor. We do not know it.


We owe to him not only the first Bach monument, today's "Old Bach Monument", but his enthusiasm also led to today's popularity of Bach's music around the world: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.


The Thomaskirche. To the right: the former Thomasschule, demolished in 1906. The square of the Altenbach memorial is outside the picture.



Two Bach Monuments in Leipzig, Saxony


In 1908, the oldest monument on earth in honor of Johann Sebastian Bach became the "Monument of the Old Man". In addition to the comparatively tiny Ohrdruf in Thuringia, Leipzig is also the only Bachstadt for 110 years, in which even two brook monuments await its fans from all over the world. Bach enthusiasts, especially from Asia, come from all over Germany and the USA, of course, anyway. Nowhere else are two brook monuments so close together, just a few steps apart. Only you have to know that just in time. That ... is what you do know. Leipzig is thus the same as Eisenach when it comes to sightseeing around the life of the Thomaskantor. In Leipzig Bach has worked in the Thomaskirche and also in the Nikolaikirche, a few minutes walk away. Here is his grave near the altar in the Thomaskirche and behind the monument he can also be seen on a glass window of the church. Next to the Thomaskirche stands this impressive Neuenbach monument. Follow the small alley – between the world famous Bach Archive and Bach Museum on the left and the Thomasshop in the Thomaskirche on the right – and a few steps further, then you will discover the Alte Bach Monument: without much effort.



For about 20 years, Leipzig was thinking about devoting a second monument to Johann Sebastian Bach. In 1885 this and - pi times thumb - was already 42 years, after the first, today the so-called "Old Bach Monument" was inaugurated. Two Bach monuments – in a Bachstadt. In 1885, Bach's 200th birthday and the musicians were already loved by the Leipzig population during his lifetime, the city council and the city council also found that one could already have done something more appropriate with a coryphae of its kind. So, I mean, his life might not be so difficult that he wanted to flee almost from the city after a short time (... see his letter to friend Georg Erdmann). So it was planned already 1885. And by coincidence one found 1894, thus whole 9 years later its first "grave" again. You found it again? Yes, quite right. It was in the context of the reconstruction of the Johanniskirche, when it was finally realized that Bach might not have had a really adequate place for the last rest there, had been rediscovered. In fact, one did not actually know where Bach was left over for many decades. Not even cemetery workers knew who Bach was at all, nor where his grave might have been. "Bach?" One of the cemetery workers said "... there are many Bachs". But this is a completely different story.


At all, one was not really sure whether the bones and bones excavated there were indeed the Bachs – or not. Re-discovering is a well-known, "very great discipline" in the research of all disciplines around the Star Compositeur: his music, writings, music, paintings and, of course, the genealogy of his family. But the Leipzigers were lucky, the anatomist Wilhelm His and the sculptor Carl Seffner actually identified Bach's skull. But for the time being, Bach was surrounded: his new last retirement - the last but one last but not least – was from 1894 in the Bach-Gellert crypt in the altar room of the St. John's Church. To the left of the altar was a monument to Bach. This plan was later given up. From this monument nothing, but at least – as so often for cost reasons - was more favorable: a bust. And from 1899 onwards in Leipzig: if there was another real monument for Bach, then where was that? Next to the St. John's Church or next to the Thomasschule or next to the Thomaskirche?



For seven years, that is, until 1906. And the place to which one agreed? You know him: the Thomaskirchhof. There it stands. Still today. And the financing also developed positively, when the estate of the Leipzig businessman Grassi 5,000 Goldmark was available. Because, however, two monuments would not have been meaningful at one and the same place, the Leipnitzdenkmal, which had previously been there, was moved to another location. The above mentioned 5,000 gold marks were, however, only a small portion of the total costs. They amounted to 50,000 gold marks, half of which were financed by the city of Leipzig, and half by Leipzig citizens. Crowdfunding at that time. On 17 May 1908 it was time. A three-day Bachfest was the festive occasion and also highlight. The Lord Mayor of Leipzig even placed the monument of the Bach under the protection of the city. Interesting for Bach enthusiasts: Today, the Neues Bach Monument stands just before the brook window of the Thomaskirche. Only in 1974 was the window donated in 1882 as part of a restoration. Before that, it was at another place in the church.


Alone the base of certainly the largest of all brook monuments is about 3 meters high. This is the actual bronze stage, again with a height of 2.45 meters. Of course, a Leipzig master was responsible for the artistic part: Carl Seffner, a well-known master of the Bach, who played a role again later in the next millennium when a face was made by Bach, showing him what he looked like today. After all, the company Noack & Brückner poured the whole thing, so Bach has been ready for tourists and brook lovers from all over the world for more than 100 years. He likes to be photographed, whole armies to people from all over the world have already snapped with him. The fact that the organ of the monument, in front of which the composer stands, does not fit into the time of Bach is exciting in connection with the theme of "Bach" and "Science". It is decorated in Jugendstil, but Bach stands for the Baroque era. Bach is raised on the right hand, while conducting, with a sheet of music in his hand. The jacket of the musician is probably not quite buttoned and who is bothered, discovered on the back of the organ on a flat relief the Old Thomasschule.


On two stamps it has certainly made this most famous of all Bach monuments. On a GDR-stamp and on a stamp of the reunited Federal Republic of Germany. Both very green and in par value actually affordable. And who has found these stamps on these stamps: there are 150 more on my Bach-stamp pages. A click away from here.


I have the honor to introduce Carl Seffner, who created the Bach monument of all Bach monuments: the New Bach Monument in Leipzig, Saxony.



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Two Bach Monuments in Eisenach


In Eisenach, everything began in 1864 with the founding of a memorial committee. Of course, not earlier, when Mendelssohn Bartholdy convinced in Leipzig that the music of Bach is especially audible and Bach was also one of the best of his guild. And because this had happened there, one had in Leipzig "also the nose front". And that is why there is also the first Bach monument ... and not in Eisenach. But they were already excited by the events in Leipzig, the Eisenachers. War Bach was one of the two most famous Germans to be associated with Wartburgstadt in Thuringia. Martin Luther gave it there, too, but Johann Sebastian Bach was even born in Eisenach. Luther did not. Back to the Memorial Committee. It took almost a quarter of a century to commit the inauguration in 1884, exactly twenty years after the founding of this committee. Musicians such as Clara Schumann, Franz Liszt and Hans von Bülow had collected for this monument in Eisenach in two decades, and finally, it was almost a question of time, money was collected, and Adolf Donndorf was commissioned to plan and build the monument shape. Since 1884 she stands, this bronze award, on a black polished granite base. Donndorf was later even ennobled, and he became an honorary citizen of Eisenach. The company Howald from Braunschweig poured the composer and a granite grinder from Berlin was the right specialist company to perform the stone work and the grinding work on the base.


As a Bach fan you might have read or heard his name before: Adolf von Donndorf. He designed the Bach monument in Eisenach, which is almost as well known today as the one in Leipzig (... but not the one the black trench coat, that was from artist Birr). And clearly, Donndorf does not work here on Bach, but on? Well, you know it.



Who Has It Finally? A Bach Monument Disappeared After WW II



It was a splendid boulevard: the Siegesallee in Berlin. 1895 commissioned by Kaiser Wilhelm II and accomplished 1901. A total of 96 monuments of marble: by personalities who lived between 1157 and 1888. An alley, which served as a stroll to the Berliners living at that time, ran from the present square of the republic, on which stood the Siegessäule at Kemperplatz. It was a true monumental boulevard, but it was already very controversial shortly after its completion. Critics accused the imperial imperial power of the imperial empire. The Berliners, of course not all, were happy about their "puppet alley".


This is where Berlin and Bach fans, who know Berlin, can see where this "doll avenue" was once. The "stage" for a collection of 96 monuments in exactly 32 groups of three monuments.


See the Bach Monument above? So, on the motive in the background. Behind the king: to the left of the king's right boot (... I know what a grammar!). In the Internet "Bach in Berlin" is really not easy to find. It is there - even where it actually belongs. But it would hardly have occurred to anyone who was interested in all Bach monuments on Earth. But now ... this is quite different!


After the World War II, the Avenue was paved and damaged many figures. A part went to the works of art even lost, another part has been restored since 2009. And Johann Sebastian Bach is now among the missing figures. By the way, he belonged to the group of figures 28. With King Friedrich II and Kurt Christoph von Schwerin. 1899 was the revelation of these three monuments. Well, you could actually build it, our brook, as a monument. One to one. What he looked like is finally known. And a piece of marble will surely be found. Do not take it that seriously, again. On the edge and almost unimportant: Bach was not the only musician in this illustrious circle of the 96 – a minstrel had also made it there – but he was the only important musician and also the only composer among the important Germans up to that time.


After the war there were now 96 monuments to mopsen. And what is missing today? Settled the Bach Monument. The above are gradually repaired and then somehow released. I know: it is restored, restored.



A Bach Memorial in "Ans-Bach", Bavaria


They are called the "Ans-Bach-Column", a plaything from the words Bach and Ansbach. After the turn of the century the Ansbachers wanted to place a permanent monument to the composer of the Baroque and Thuringia. And this monument would actually have been the crown of worship, if, indeed, if it would adorn Johann Sebastian Bach's place. But this is not the case, for it is there – on the Martin Luther Square, however, with a more public influence. But, Bach fans generally know that Martin Luther is also connected to Wartburgstadt Eisenach as well as the composer. 2003 was the year when Ansbach's mayor Ralf Felber unveiled the work of the Baden artist Jürgen Goertz. Made of aluminum, it is undoubtedly the most modern cave monument on the planet. And the Ansbachers just as popular, as rejected. 60,000 € was the bill high, but it was financed as many other monument to Bach's honors exclusively by sponsors. Crowdfunding. But not really.


50 years "Bachwochen in Ansbach" was the occasion for the mayor to buy this further work of Goertz. A curiosity in the context of this, very modern Bach monument is right for the philosophy of my homepage for you. A mistake. A very sympathetic mistake. The artist, as well as many a Bach fan, was enthusiastic about the fact that B-A-C-H can also be sung and made in the German-speaking world. And so this cool, musical juxtaposition of four notes was absolutely necessary, as an accessory, so to speak. Only a small bass key is missing before the first note. And so the music-lover enjoys the monument, the critic does not like it at all, but who is a musician and at the same time Bach-enthusiast, who reads H-A-C-H instead of B-A-C-H. I think Johann Sebastian would have smiled, for he could not have any monuments.


The most modern Bach monument of all Bach monuments. And also the most silvery.



What an Ecstacy: The Bach Monument in Shanghai – A Bach Memorial in China


© Foto/Illustration: Reinhard Casper /

A glance "behind the scenes" of this Johann Sebastian Bach homepage: very far up, in the picture galleries only 3 pictures fit side by side. Or 6 or 9 or 12. Not four. But I would not deny this motive to you. So this fourth motive is here. To the other scroll back if necessary. Thank you very much. To you for scrolling and again to Reinhard Casper for his great photos.


This Bach monument in China, more precisely in the mega-metropolis Shanghai, fascinated me for more than two years. It is not one of the "completely hidden" brook monuments (... on the Internet). But it does not matter – just on the Internet – but it does not. And today is exactly this brook monument in Shanghai, China still my biggest "challenge". And with this challenge I want to make it as with the family members of the family of musicians living today. Maybe a homepage visitor in Shanghai will find me. Whom I have not written everything: clubs, organizations, individual people! Where it stands, was clear after certain research. In a green area near the main station. But I did not have good photos for a long time. The free on the internet were simply not nice enough for me. And even "outside Wiki" I found no. With one exception: on a private homepage, there were some. After chaotic, hour-long googling, I was not even aware of the keywords I ultimately got to a great website. Supergute photos of the Bach Monument ... and I got the permission to set them on my homepage. It has been photographed by Reinhard Casper from Hamburg and there are also these motifs on his absolutely worth seeing homepage. In 2010, Reinhard Casper photographed not only the "Bach" monument, but also the surrounding area, as I am always fascinated because one can see on unusual perspectives, which is to the right and left of a tourist topspot (... so, I mean actually locations such as the White House in Washington or the pyramids in Giza with tourist highlights – Bach is really only a whole, very small crowd of fans). In addition, Reinhard Casper provided us with another exciting hint, which makes it possible for anyone who is interested to explore the "Bach Memorial", namely from the universe, on Google Earth with the coordinates 31 ° 14.842 'N and 121 ° 26.982 'E. In this way one can not identify it because of the insufficient resolution, but we do not have to prove anything here.


Thank you, Reinhard Casper. Well, that you were there - well that they photographed the Bach Monument – well that I found you and I am thrilled that I can use your photos. With a click here you will come to the homepage of the China fans Casper.


So here is not the story of the Bach Memorial in Shanghai, but the story of how I try to get to the history of the memorial. When looking for Bach family members, the sensational folds. Many have already reported. A little more difficult will certainly be to get to the information about who and when the Bach Monument was designed in Shanghai. But, that has also a few years to decades time: Rome was also not built in one day.


If it works, and I can complete this research, then it is on our "Bach over Bach Facebook page".



Next to Its Foundation: Wilfful, But Cool - the Bach Monument in Muehlhausen


In 2009, 329 years after the birth of the Baroque composer, one of the three Bach towns in Thuringia, where Johann Sebastian Bach had his job 1, Job 2 and Job 3, honored the musician. With a very unusual monument. Because there was already "Bach on pedestals" already enough in Germany, this time it should again be something unusual: namely "Bach beside pedestals". But at least on the way up - one sees it at the very bottom – one foot is on the first step and makes the work dynamic. From bronze it is this Bach monument, and if one has pleasure in figures, then it was planned almost exactly and "terming right" to Bach's activities 300 years ago and shortly thereafter also inaugurated. Sculptor Klaus Friedrich Messerschmidt was the artist to whom we owe Bach's fans this tribute. One finds the monument on the left of the main entrance to the mighty Divi Blasii church and it is noticeable how tiny – although life-size – this memory of one of the greatest musicians is. He was comparatively compara - ted with the measures, and Bach was sure to feel the same when he was an organist in Mühlhausen.



A Cute, Tiny Interim Solution: The Bach Monument in Weimar, One of The Most Exciting Cultural Metropolises in Europe


Am I exaggerating? Just maybe. Do you find it? The Bach Monument?


Well, that is quite naughty written – I mean, this my heading. But I am allowed to, it is my opinion. It's quite nice, the Bach Monument. A little bit small. And inconspicuous. And placed in a really "exciting" place. Almost a guarantee to be overlooked. Well, where else would you go with culture – and I mean that now seriously – as much as you like in Weimar? A dense culture that can easily be absorbed by cities such as Paris, Rome and other metropolises: one can not walk a meter without the fact that in every second house this or that prominent personality has lived or worked. Monuments on monuments, fantastic historical architecture: Schnoddrig formulated, sights to the point of departure. Against this backdrop it becomes a little clear why the monument stands for Bach where it stands now. Indeed, there are almost no places left in Weimar. But perhaps it is, as mentioned, a provisional honor in a provisional place. The world-wide Bach community is in agreement: Weimar needs a suitable building to meet Bach's performance and the length of his stay in this cultural metropolis. That is why the "Bachhaus Weimar" institution is particularly concerned, and I would also like to support this project. This will work one day. But certainly only when ten times as many visitors come here on my homepage. Or maybe a distant day even a hundred times as many.


But now to the history of the monument in Weimar. Exactly on the 200th anniversary of Johann Sebastian Bach's death, that was in 1950 a competition for a Bach monument was announced. So exactly five years after the end of the Second World War. East Germany was then the GDR (... German DDR) and none of the submitted 120 designs could exist before the jury. What can be admired today – after the discovery – is actually a substitute. Namely the bust of Bruno Eyermann on her pedestal. They were first placed in front of the former dwelling-house of Johann Sebastian Bach. But only for two years. Then Bach disappeared, as he did after his death. So, even at his age of 267, he was still quite uncomfortable. However, Bach was already used to "disappear from the picture" and so he came back to the public in 1995, to his current location. In the meantime, the ruins of the historic Bachhaus had been demolished in the winter before the "Wende" (... "turnaround") in 1998/1990. It was a hotel where Bach lived and where all his Weimar children were born with Maria Barbara. Sure, what could you do with the ruin – had lived only Bach and his family in it?



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Bach Was in Arnstadt Like His Monument Is Today: Cool, Easy and Regarding His Vacation He Didn't Really Care too Much


First of all, the artist, to whom we owe this work of art, namely the Bach Monument in Arnstadt, is the name of Bernd Göbel. More precisely, it is Professor Bernd Göbel. And it was inaugurated on March 21, 1985. Bach fans have already noticed: it is not just the exact birthday of the composer, it is even a rounder: the three hundredth. It is the "young brook". Although it can remain open, whether it was the Young Bach or the young Bach, because at 18 years, many teens are just not really real adults. Violent discussions burned at that time in the lovely town of Arnstadt, about the organist's "uncomfortable lout". And after the revelation, but also before it. In 1985 the statements were open and direct: "An impertinence for Arnstadt" was still one of the polite statements. "The biggest scoundrel I've ever seen!" Was already more blunt. And one even had the desire to buy a postcard. In a bookstore near town hall and brook. From "... the drunken guy on the market". Almost amiable is again the opinion, "... that one could spend the money for more important things". Today you are proud. In Arnstadt. On an exciting and different Bach monument. In fact, there was actually "enough". The last sentence is, of course, only my opinion.


The Bach Monument in Arnstadt: What kind of person was Johann Sebastian Bach at this time? He came back from vacation: after twelve weeks instead of four. He let a woman sing in the church, an absurdity. And he approached one of his choral disciples with a drawn sword. And ... is the Bach Monument in Arnstadt so well hit? I mean: even to the point.



The Smallest of All Bach Monuments Is Located in Dornheim Next to Arnstadt


Professor Bernd Goebel, who also created the Bach Monument in Arnstadt, then also designed the Bach Monument in Dornheim in 2002. It is the bust of Johann Sebastian Bach and it stands today on a pedestal at the Kirchhofsmauer of the St. Bartholomäuskirche in the Ortsmitte. A memorial note with the names of the two brothers Bach reminds us of this memorable day in June 1707. The lovely little church, which was almost demolished, is known by Bach's friends under the name Traukirche of Johann Sebastian Bach and Maria Barbara Bach. In Dornheim, there is a circle of friends for the preservation of the Traukirche (Wedding Church), and this association, with its chairman, Siegfried Neumann, has now become a world-wide enthusiast among Bach enthusiasts: he was instrumental in getting a first-time million for the renovation around the world to collect. A second time – thank God not again at this height – he managed to restore the tower again.


Much smaller than any other Bach monument on our planet. How good is that it does not depend on the size. The Bach monument in Dornheim: also a commemorative reference to his wife Maria Barbara Bach.



Bach Monument, Bach House, Bach Square – It's not Possible to Arrange All Closer: Bach in Koethen


Bach's favorite home: Köthen in Saxony-Anhalt. The Bach Trilogy: The Bach Monument stands in front of the second Bachhaus on the Bachplatz. Do you see the vertical lettering in the front right and the plaque at the house in the background?


The fourth oldest historical Bach monument is a tribute to the composer for his 200th birthday. Together with a well, it has decorated the Bach square in Köthen since March 21st, 1885, and it still stands today after 200 years: in front of the house where Johann Sebastian Bach once lived with his family. It is the so-called second Bachhaus, the first is no longer there. The artist who created this monument was the Berlin Heinrich Pohlmann, who was appointed Royal Prussian Professor in 1901. Many of his works were destroyed in the Second World War. For Bach fans a blessing: except the one in Köthen.



Bach in Ulm, Germany: Now You Know About this Great Bach Monument


One must already know that there is a Bach monument in the Ulm Cathedral. And it's not that easy to google. Just a single tiny motive was among the millions, if not billions of Google images to find - today is different. And you are here now, so this search has an end. The arrow statues in the side ships of the minster: they are personalities of the town history, but also personalities of the church history. And because Johann Sebastian Bach is actually neither of the two – well, he has composed Kirchemusik to the point of departure – that is why one or the other, who somehow had reference to the city or the church, just as our Bach, immortalized here. Exciting at this brook monument is that it arose relatively late. The first stage of construction began in 1377 and lasted until 1534, the second from 1844 to 1890. Karl Federlin, an Ulmer sculptor, designed it and lived from 1854 to 1939. From 1877, the church's representations of the personalities were presented. In 1880, the later court sculptor received the first orders for models and followed the instructions for the execution of the large stone figures. In 1912 the last of his sculptures was exhibited in the Ulm Cathedral.



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The Bach monuments calendar: the old Bach monument in Leipzig in Saxony, Germany.


The Bach monuments calendar: the new and most famous Bach monument in Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.

The Bach monuments calendar: the Bach monument in the Ulm Minster, Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

The Bach monuments calendar: the Bach monument in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

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