Facts, Life, Short Biography, 9 Minutes Video Biography: J.S. Bach as Short as You Like It


Bach very cozy: welcome to the Bach place of Dornheim. Here it is about short biographies which I created for you. You will find the best "real" books, which lead you to the places where Johann Sebastian Bach once was living and acting in a different corner of this Bach website, it's the "Bach book corner."



How Long Do You Want to Read? 10, 15, 25 or Really Long 60 Minutes?


The Johann Sebastian Bach short biography ... I believe, length matters. Aside of the style, which is crucial in every biography all over the world, it is the detailedness too and coming with this; it's the length of the fun of reading, which makes the difference between two biographies about the same personality. It's the same on "Bach on Bach." It adds that the necrology - for instance - has a really different style than both of the longest short biographies on this website. The little video, the short biography show finally is a whole different thing. On the other hand, this is a sort of a guarantee; I will provide something for everybody's taste. For those, however, who want to read, much, much more about Johann Sebastian Bach, there are book recommendations at a different place of this website: there you will find the "real" Bach Biographies, such on real paper. How you get there, is what you may read in the oncoming paragraph. Or you just click here.



Are You Looking for a Bach Biography in a Real Book? A "True Bach Biography"


Did you come here, but you actually were looking for a book with a biography, so to speak a real biography, not what I wrote for you? So you are looking for a Bach biography in a real book to buy it? Then you won't get happy in this section of my website. You are better off with your search for a book about the Thomas Cantor in the "Books – Recommendations" section. And there on the subpage "The Bach Biography." Here I have provided a shortcut for you: just click here. Oops, this section will go viral as late as 2018.



Many ... Really Many Music Gifts!

"Bach 4 You" offers many everyday items with Bach designs, for example bed covers, T-shirts, watches, USB sticks and mugs through its shops at "Zazzle", "Spreadshirt" and the other two. You can get there via the link.



Gifts for Music Lovers and Musicians

"Real" Bach items, however, are what you find in the "Bach 4 You" Publishing House online store. Again via the link above.



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Short Biography After Short Biography on "Bach on Bach"


Actually unknown, even among Bach biographers and among many Bach specialists too, is the hint with a first real reference to the family of musicians on a historical document. Actually, none of several thousand biographies about Johann Sebastian Bach mention this hint with a most authentic background. If you compare the "Ursprung" with the "Church Penance," then both statements are similar. However, if you compare the potential risk of transmission errors than the "Ursprung" finally is a copy of the original. The handwriting is of Bach's granddaughter. The letter of Christoph Bach, however, who wrote the so-called "Church Penance" dates from 1727 and it's an original document.


This original document, the "Church Penance" dates full seven years earlier than the "Ursprung der musicalisch-Bachischen Familie," which is the "Genesis of the Bach Family of Musicians" by Johann Sebastian Bach.


From this historic document, you can clearly state, among more indications, that the roots of the Bach Family of Musicians are just not related to Hungary.



If you would like to start to read more about Johann Sebastian Bach, now and without any further of my "manuals":


For "Facts, Facts, Facts" click here.

For the Bach Short Biography as a video click here.


To the 10 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.

To the 15 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.

To the 25 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.


To the 60 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here later.

( ... under construction until spring 2018).


With a click here you get to the Necrology of Bach here.


Here you get to the probably shortest of the short biographies on earth for the youngest among all Bach enthusiasts in a coloring book about the Thomas Cantor and star composer. But be advised, this paragraph is an advertisement. It is a promotion.


Come on, just click the > button. The little video is just nine minutes short. However it's very entertaining.


Very few people know that the history of the musician family of Johann Sebastian Bach began in 1504. And in a family tree, a date without a name and without birth and death place is just a little exciting. There is no more in the letter than there is a famous musician family Bach already in 1504. However, this year 1504 is of equivalent importance to the memory of Johann Sebastian Bach, who wrote the whole seven years later at the age of 50 and in 1735 in his famous origin of the musical-Bach family.



How Much Bach Biography Would You Like to Read Now?


One of the most crucial foundations regarding the Bach Genealogy: the "Ursprung der musicalisch-Bachischen Familie," which is the "Genesis of the Musical Bach Family" from 1735.


Johann Sebastian Bach himself has collected all this data. This document, however, is a copy of the original by his granddaughter. The original doesn't exist anymore.


Not just more, but much more about the Ursprung written by Johann Sebastian Bach is what you learn on a unique page of this website. Just click here.


The question is, and I claim: about no artist in the world have more biographies been written than about Johann Sebastian Bach. Okay, it's not really fair, as the time since his death back more than 250 years is a perfect foundation for such, which is almost unbeatable alone. Besides it adds, that there is a lot of the fun to publish your own book (...that is what I do too, sort of. With this website). Plus, there is the rewarding theme of music and last but not least the belief of hundreds and thousands of authors and book publishing companies, to hit enough interest, to make a profit with publishing a next Bach biography.


Why is it, that here on "Bach on Bach" there is not just one perfect short biography? Why are there six versions plus the "Facts, Facts, Facts" section?  Maybe, I was so excited by my namesake, and I didn't want to offer only quality, but also quantity? If you, like me, read one real Bach biography after another you get aware of several criteria. That results in how you personally want to "transport" the life of the Thomas Cantor and his work. So, what are the criteria after all?


Now you see the following lines coming. That is what you will discover two more times on that page. To escape. For you. However, you don't plan to leave me here. Do you?



If you would like to start to read more about Johann Sebastian Bach, now and without any further of my "manuals":


For "Facts, Facts, Facts" click here.

For the Bach Short Biography as a video click here.


To the 10 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.

To the 15 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.

To the 25 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.


To the 60 minutes Bach Short Biography, later click here

( ... under construction until spring 2018).


With a click here you get to the Necrology of Bach here.


Here you get to the probably shortest of the short biographies on earth for the youngest among all Bach enthusiasts in a coloring book about the Thomas Cantor and star composer.



The Criteria with Your Decision to Buy a Bach Biography


The first reference of a member of the Thuringia Bach family in a church document. Earlier documents are all burnt - to the detriment of all Bach genealogists.


One of the first "graffiti" in the world: there was a Bach genealogist finding the so much researched entry. In a priceless church document. And paints a red line beneath it. But we were really lucky: at least he didn't tear the page out and took it with him.


1619 - one of the most important dates in the Bach Genealogy.


The criteria for a Bach biography – I mean a real Bach biography. So, that is in a book, not just here in a chapter. On paper. The criteria. That is first and foremost the amount of text. You can tell about Bach's life in two minutes and in a biography in two volumes. Of course, the detailedness follows the length. What is really too much for one person, might be for another one: just lukewarm. What else? The premise of an author with his or her biography. For one author music is the crucial theme and most important. For another author, it's scientific precision. And a third one highlights the life of the court composer entirely from outside the box. The third point is a question of his or her style of writing. If you prefer it factual than a biography like the "Little Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach" is no good choice. Do you feel it? Do you feel it cosmic? Esoteric? It is a loud groan of all Bach connoisseurs. Now. Do you feel this loud grown? Correct, the "Little Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach" is no Bach Biography in the sense of a biography. But it's one here, and we don't care. What I care in my project is, to transport Bach in his full brilliance and part of this is – first and most important – to scare nobody away with the wrong stuff to read when there is the first sprout of interest in the master. Fourth: we almost forgot, you may have fun with reading a historical biography, that is a biography written 100 or 200 years ago. Many are interested, so you can still buy historic biographies hot off the press. There is the Bach biography of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, from Julius August Spitta and from the first of all Bach biographers, who is Johann Nikolaus Forkel. Don't believe I am talking about used books. They are new. Hot off the press, as I said earlier. The style transfers a reader back to a different time and those who want to learn more about Bach, who want to get "into his life," so to speak, actually already are on a trip back in time with these books. Beyond that, if you compare nowadays biographies, then you discover a gigantic difference when you find out, you like this way of writing more - or the one of a different author. That, finally, would be the sixth reason.



Gifts for Music Lovers and Musicians

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99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars

Bach calendars are gifts for musicians and for classical music lovers: They come in three sizes, in European, which is Poster style, and you can order them this year or for the following year. Plus, they are composers calendars and music calendars, too.

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What Do You Prefer: A Bach Biography or a Bach Short Biography?


Self-made. Bach wasn't only capable of creating music. No, he could seals as well. In wax you don't realize it obviously: two times the letters JSB, one set is mirrored, a crown on top ... seal ready.



Not a Bach Biography


You are sort of correct. None of my eight "works" on this website is a real biography. Not even close. And there is even a "Steckbrief" (... I terribly researched for the same word in English, as a "Steckbrief" is the German translation for "warrant." That is the term kids in Germany nowadays use to look for what you call "facts"). Like the whole project this chapter "Facts, facts, facts" resulted from my very own personal experience with the master. I would have loved, what I offer you today. Back then. Some information. A first impression. Plus, a selection. Now you choose, in which amount of time you want to get a first impression. Just a view? That's it? Okay, then the "facts" are right for you: just the parameters, a clearly arranged vita, one interesting detail or another. But that was it.


If you would like to start to read more about Johann Sebastian Bach, now and without any further of my "manuals":


For "Facts, Facts, Facts" click here.

For the Bach Short Biography as a video click here.


To the 10 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.

To the 15 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.

To the 25 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.


To the 60 minutes Bach Short Biography, later click here.

( ... under construction until spring 2018).


With a click here you get to the Necrology of Bach here.


Here you get to the probably shortest of the short biographies on earth for the youngest among all Bach enthusiasts in a coloring book about the Thomas Cantor and star composer.


Let's get to the shortest biography on Johann Sebastian Bach in the world plus the ultra-short biography about him. You are "through" with both in ten, respectively fourteen minutes. It's not with keywords or a list like with the facts; the most important in the life of the most significant composers of all times (...the New York Times figured that out. It wasn't me). And, what is true for the ultra-short biography, matters for the sixty minutes as well. This biography will be ready during summer/fall 2014. More and more details ad in each short biography, just the dates don't change. Kidding. But not only this counts. What counts too, is what every biographer, which I am sort of, in this case, finds worth to tell. This is why in every length this or that important will be missing. Not in every short biography, there will be everything highlighted in Bach's life and finally all tastes, beyond objectivity, are eventually different. Fair enough.



Different Illustrations


Not only the length of my "shorties" is what makes these minis different. I wanted to illustrate these short biographies differently, but consequently in each "work." So I hope I somehow give you a hard time to decide for one. Maybe I support you a little and initiate to start with the "Facts, facts, facts" chapter. Just fly over it. Then go on to the shortest biography on Bach in the world, next to the ultra short and finally decide for one of the longer biographies. By the way, if you want to remember some of the stuff you read here, there are nine Bach cities respectively Bach places, which are connected to the name of Johann Sebastian Bach. Nine Johann Sebastian Bach cities and Johann Sebastian Bach places so to speak. And there are just five Bach cities in which he lived and worked after he left school. That is where he "really" worked. Where he had a job. Or, you better decide on your own: whether you believe, Bach already worked in Eisenach, in Ohrdruf, and in Lueneburg. Because he made money with his uniqueness. Or, if you find  Bach's actual career started in Arnstadt (...we just want to "forget" his first six months in Weimar. Plus, Weimar will show up again in his life). So it's five, easy to remember, five. A like Arnstadt, M like Muehlhausen and W like Weimar. Later up north to Koethen and finally east to Leipzig.


Back to the illustrations, I wanted to introduce in this paragraph. Each chapter is styled in its own way. Like you know it in some theme hotels. One room is a Caribbean Lagoon; one is Mexico style, one Africa like. No, don't worry, you won't find pictures from Mexico or Africa between the Bach chapters. Just check it out, please.



8 Bach Short Biographies Where Else in the World Do You Find Such an Offer?


We found it! More precisely? A professional researcher found it for us. Even more precisely? Already earlier many more scientists and genealogists found it too.


Seriously: this record of the marriage of Johann Sebastian Bach and his Maria Barbara Bach in Dornheim is what our professional genealogist, Mr. Hoske, found. Hand at heart: would you have, had you held this document in your own hands, realized that there is written something about the Thomas Cantor?


The year of 1707. Sure, so close you recognize it more than clear.


Something very special on the internet: I offer the most cross-media biography if there is such a thing at all, which is undoubtedly the short biography about Bach in 60 minutes. Because there you will first find a lot of reading material, secondly you can learn more about the Bach Cities and Bach Places in little shows right at the particular section. Plus, there is a B version. In this version, you will meet the Bach Cities, and Bach Places and each part comes with one of Bach's most popular music works. No narrated text bothers you. Something special is the twenty-four-minute short biography. You may even switch to Bach music while you are reading. Isn't that something? Bach today and a little interactive, so to speak. Maybe you just click yourself smart. However, guys, the longest of these eight biographies, with the length 60 minutes is projected for 2018. I apologize, and I hope you are not so much disappointed. Now that I write these lines, why don't you click on the German sister page "Bach ueber Bach," so you get an impression of what's coming next? If you like, click here. As you do probably now want to finish with this "little" manual. Don't you?



If you would like to start to read more about Johann Sebastian Bach, now and without any further of my "manuals":


For "Facts, Facts, Facts" click here.

For the Bach Short Biography as a video click here.


To the 10 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.

To the 15 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.

To the 25 minutes Bach Short Biography, click here.


To the 60 minutes Bach Short Biography, later click here.

( ... 2 versions / under construction until spring 2018).


With a click here you get to the Necrology of Bach here.


Here you get to the probably shortest of the short biographies on earth for the youngest among all Bach enthusiasts in a coloring book about the Thomas Cantor and star composer.



And here you come directly to a Bach biography that has earned this name – but beware: this is the book corner, and there is no easy way back.

This ( ! ) ... is a real Johann Sebastian Bach Biography. Buy it – for instance – at Amazon.



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99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars, and Bach Calendars

Bach calendars are music gifts for children, too. All come in three sizes. This year, next year. US style calendars + EU style calendars. To the shop.



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