Bach Societies, Bach Orchestras, Bach Choirs – G to J


Here you will find all Bach choirs, Bach orchestras and Bach societies in the world. As we list the original name of the Bach choir, the Bach orchestra and the Bach society, here is a little German for you. A choir in German is a "Chor" and a "Verein" is a society. You already know "Orchester", which is an orchestra. Remains the name of the location and there is almost no translation necessary. Exception is "Köln" for Cologne and "München" for Munich, but that is what you would have discovered on your own. I guess?


And – as a reminder – the list doesn't stop at borders. After Aachen in Germany next is Aberdeen, United Kingdom. The first letter of the location is, what counts – not the first letter in the line or the first letter in the name of the institution.



67  The American Bach Society, Gambier, OH, USA

© Photo/Source/License: By .curt. (Ransom Hall, Kenyon College) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach society on their website.



99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars

A Bach calendar, a composers calendar, a music calendar: three sizes, this year and next year. European + US style. To the shop.

An "adventure park in the subject of exciting Bach gifts" … learn more.



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68  Gelsenkirchener Bach-Chor, Gelsenkirchen, Germany

© sergeewitsch /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



69  Görlitzer Bachchor, Görlitz, Germany

© arsdigital /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



70  Bachchor Gotha, Germany


Visit this Bach choir on their website.



71  Bachchoir of Grand Rapids, MI, USA


Visit this Bach choir on their website.



72  The Berkshire Bach Society, Great Barrington, MA, USA

© Photo/Source/License: By Anc516 (Own work) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach society on their website.



73   Bach Festival Choir,

Greenville, SC, USA

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



74  Grimsby Bach Choir, United Kingdom

© Photo/Sourc/Licensez: by Richard Croft [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



75  The Guernsey Bach Choir, U. K.

© chris2766 /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



76  Bachchor Gütersloh, Germany

© Photo/Source/License: By Uwe Steinkolk (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



77  Gwent Bach Society, United Kingdom

Visit this Bach society on their website.



78  Bach-Chor Hagen, Germany

© Photo/Source/License: Klaus Ehlers [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



Music Calendars in Two Styles. 

Are you looking for a Bach calendar? To the shop.

Or are you looking for a Bach statue? To the shop.



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79  Bach-Chor der Johanniskantorei Halle, Germany

Visit this Bach choir on their website. 

80  Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor Hamburg, Germany

Visit this Bach choir on their website. 

81  Hamburger Bachchor St. Petri, Hamburg, Germany

Visit this Bach choir on their website. 

82  Hamburger Bachverein,

Hamburg, Germany

Visit this Bach society on their website. 


83  Bach Elgar Choir, Hamilton, Canada

© Photo/Source/License: By Nhl4hamilton at en.wikipedia(Original text : Rick Cordeiro) [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



84  Bachchor Hannover, Germany

© Mapics /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



85  Bachchor Heidelberg, Germany

© eyetronic /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



86  Bach-Chor Kilianskirche

Heilbronn, Germany

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



87 The Lahti Bach Choir, Helsinki, Finland

© Oleksiy Mark /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.


88 Hermannstädter Bachchor, Hermannstadt, Romania

© draghicich /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



89 The Hong Kong Bach Choir, China

© leungchopan /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



90  Bach Society Houston, TX, USA

Visit this Bach society on their website.



91a  Hull Bach Choir, United Kingdom

© Photo/Source/License:Stephen Horncastle [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach choir on their website.


91b  Bachchor Ilmenau, Germany

© Stadtverwaltung Ilmenau / Fotograf Markus Schweitzer

You get to the Internet iabout the Bachchor Ilmenau here. Thanks so much for the permission to publish this unique photo to the City of Ilmenau and the photographer Markus Schweitzer. You get to the choir's Facebook page here.



9Ipswich Bach Choir, United Kingdom

© sorensen /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



93  Jekatarinenburg Chamber Orchestra B-A-C-H, Russia

© Mikhail Markovskiy /

Visit this Bach Orchestra on their website.



94  Johannesburg Bach Choir, South Africa

© tusharkoley /

Visit this Bach choir on their website.



95  Juneau Bach Society, AK, USA

© Photo/Source/License: By Alan Wu [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Visit this Bach society on their website.



Did We Forget Your Bach Choir? Or Your Bach Society? Or Your Bach Orchestra?


Sure, there is always a little movement. Plus a little "shrinkage" sometimes. Once in a while there is a new Bach choir in Germany ... or a Bach orchestra in the USA just "disappeared" after many years of performance. Or, even simpler: One Bach choir just "slipped through our fingers" and that is your Bach choir of all Bach choirs. Why don't you send us a short mail and we will fix that instantly. So, your Bach choir will be added finally. Or your Bach orchestra or ... your Bach society. Even now – in advance – a cordial thank you for that. You get to the contact form here.



99 Music Calendars, Pipe Organ Calendar, Composers Calendars, and Bach Calendars

The Bach postage stamp calendar. Just explore the twelve monthly pages: Maybe you fall in love with this particular music calendar: 33 Bach calendars. Three sizes. This year and next year. US style + EU style. To the shop.

Bach Figures. To the shop.



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