Bach Cities and Bach Places: Arnstadt, Thuringia, Germany

1   Why Is Arnstadt One of the Bach Cities?

Arnstadt is the city, which you very obviously connect to the first "real" job of still young composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Here he became organist of the Bach Church in the summer of 1703. Correct, that wasn't yet the name of the church in the time when Bach lived. Back then it was the New Church, where he played the organ. Arnstadt is linked to three events in Bach's life, which make every biography about the star musician exciting. That was firstly a vacation, which he wanted to spend in Lübeck in Northern Germany, which – almost – provided him not only with a next job, but with a spouse as well. This vacation triggered an irritation in Arnstadt. However, that would be of the same magnitude today: Bach applied for four weeks of vacation and didn't return earlier but after 12 weeks. The Next annoyance was a fight with one of his choir students when he called this boy a "Zippelfagottist", which can not be translated, but that was a strong insult back then. Judging this incident starting 100 years later and into the present, hundreds of biographers tried to rank his temper and character. And finally it was an unthinkable event at that time: the story with the unknown damsel.


Johann Sebastian Bach spend some four years in Arnstadt, until he moved to Mühlhausen, the next of the Bach cities.



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2   Music by Bach + Pics from Arnstadt

No narration, just music and pics: Arnstadt, a Bach city. Actually, for us, it is the Bach City No. 1.



3   The Bach City of Arnstadt on 6 Pictures

Bach cities, Bach places ... great pictures. Arnstadt on additional pics? Just click here.



4   Info About the Bach City of Arnstadt


What a city and what a cultural and vacation offer. It is important to know, that here in Arnstadt the Thuringia Bratwurst is mentioned for the first time in a document and the first Wheat Beer outside Bavaria. Seriously, aside of the offer around Bach the Palace Museum with its famous puppet exhibition "Mon Plaisier" is exciting, the palace ruin of Neideck and the historic city center with beautiful age-old buildings. The Liebfrauenkirche is more than worth a visit, and of course there is more. Did I forget something? Of course, the size. 23,500 residents live here, now you have a feeling. More information is right around the corner, that is with a click here. Plus more in English with Wikipedia.



5   A Tiny Video: The Bach City of Arnstadt

Film, pics, music and narration: Arnstadt presented in a likable tiny video. Arnstadt is clearly a category A Bach city. Enjoy this little presentation plus – if you plan a trip to the "Land of the Bache" ... it's perfect.



6   Where Exactly Is this Bach City Located?


33 maps, 33 Bach cities or places. Arnstadt is a category A Bach city.



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