Is Zerbst Bach city or Bach place? Zerbst is a wonderful Bach city in category C.
Zerbst is a Bach city in category C. This however is certified and proven. Zerbst is a Bach city for the reason, because Johann Sebastian Bach, when serving at Leipzig, more precisely in the year 1722, gave a "guest audience at court" here. Like it's true for all Bach cities and Bach places: there are – if you add all connections to the life of the master in the broadest sense – far more than seven or nine well-known cities and places, which come into your mind, when you think of the stations in Bach's life. From Eisenach to Leipzig, it's a total of 33.
The Bach Monuments Calendar
... and there is not only this Bach calendar with Bach monuments: three sizes, this year and next year, EU + US style. You get to the shop here.
Bach cities, Bach places ... great pictures. Zerbst on additional pics? Sorry folks, you won't find more pictures of Zerbst on my website, and even those above haven't been taken by me. They are provided by the tourism department of the City of Zerbst (©). Thank you so much.
Firstly Zerbst is a beautiful city and we start the presentation with an impressing number: it is the fifth largest community all over Germany when it comes to size, not residents. Probably behind Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and maybe Cologne. But ahead of Frankfurt – or vice versa. Would you have believed such a thing?
Zerbst, better Zerbst/Anhalt, that is a vibrating, small city with some 22,222 residents. It is located in the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt. To Berlin, it's a drive of 1.5 hours. But Köthen is closer: you make it in 50 minutes. Of course by car. History and impressing buildings are numerous and the website of this city invites you cordially to a virtual visit. With a click here – you are there.
More to mention? Zerbst is existent for more than 1,000 years. To experience the "Elbe Bicycle Path" including a pit stop in Zerbst is a dreamlike vacation plan. Now, what are you waiting for? Click here and off we go to Zerbst.
33 maps, 33 Bach cities or places. Zerbst is a category C Bach city.
The Bach Monuments Calendar
Bach calendar ...
Is Zerbst Bach city or Bach place? Zschortau is a great Bach city in category C.
Zschortau is clearly to find in category C. It was in the year 1746, of course in the time when Johann Sebastian Bach worked in Leipzig, when he inspected the new organ in the St. Nicolai Church at Zschortau. The organ before wasn't in the condition to be repaired anymore. That was the reason, Johann Scheibe, an organ builder was hired, to build a new one. It is still conserved today and Bach was very satisfied with Scheibe's work back then. More to read is what you will find on the website of the St. Nicolai Church, and although it's in German only, the pictures are breathtaking and worth a visit. Just click here and you are there.
Bach cities, Bach places ... great pictures. Zschortau on additional pics? Just click here.
Zschortau is relatively small and for that reason there are living only very few residents in Zschortau. 1,700 is the number and of course it's not precise. At the time, when Bach lived, Zschortau was an independent community, but that is not true today. Today Zschortau is a part of the community of Rackwitz and for the main reason it's a living area. Of course there's not too much to discover and much information more is, what you won't find here too - for the same reason.
However, what is rewarding without doubt, if the eight miles close Leipzig is your destination in the matter of Bach, is the Nicolai Church in Zschortau. Plus, first the internet presence. Somebody who is interested in organs, will already be excited to see the pictures on this website. And actually there is rewarding information on this likable website too. Once again: what are you waiting for? Click here.
33 maps, 33 Bach cities or places. Zschortau is a category C Bach city.
Bach Portraits + Bach Places = Bach Calendar
Every Bach cities and Bach places calendar: what a cool gift idea for music fans. Three sizes, this year and next year. EU + US style. You get to the shop via the next picture underline.
The Bach monuments calendar is a cool music gift. Three sizes. This year, next year. US + EU style. To the shop.
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