Is Halle Bach city or Bach place? Halle is a Bach city in category C. Johann Sebastian Bach lived and worked in eight cities and communities. These are Category A Bach locations. Category B is related to the Bach Family of Musicians and their genealogy plus Bach had worked in two of them, but in general they are important. However, there are more cities, where the master acted here a little and there a little. These are my Bach Category C locations.
With the city of Halle several visits of Johann Sebastian Bach are connected, and almost Halle had become a real Bach City of "first grade". Well, today Halle is Handel City. Plus, it's exciting that Bach and Handel were born in the same year 1685. That is why every year, when the world celebrates a "Bach Year" they celebrate a "Handel Year" as well. However, as they have not died in the same year, every second celebration is a combination of Bach and Handel. In 1713 Johann Sebastian Bach performed in Halle, more precisely it was on December 15th 1713. That was in the era, when he was working at the court in Weimar. He was successful, and he was appointed to be a follower of organist Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow. On February 19th in the year 1714 however he refused, and no person knows why, up to the present day.
In 1716 Bach examined the organ in the Liebfrauenkirche, the Church of Our Lady in Halle, which Christoph Cuntzius had built. And they know, that Johann Sebastian Bach would have loved to meet Georg Friedrich Handel in Halle. That was three years later, that is to say 1719, but this meeting didn't work out, because Bach was ill at that very time, when Handel was in Halle with his mother. Only mentioned peripherally, Bach's son Wilhelm Friedemann Bach got exactly this job in Halle 30 years later after a foreplay and became organist.
99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars
There are two Bach postage stamps calendars and there are two composers postage stamps calendars. Three sizes, this year and next year, European style + US style. Here you get to the publisher's shop with its many music calendars.
Bach cities, Bach places ... hundreds great pictures. Unfortunately, there are no more pictures of Halle. Just the six from above. However, click on the pics above and enjoy the larger format.
Halle is located in Saxony-Anhalt. Plus, Halle lies on the river Saale. There are 232,000 residents living in Halle. Halle is located that close to Leipzig, that they speak of the metro region Leipzig-Halle. More than 1,000,000 residents are living in this area. The Martin-Luther-University-Halle-Wittenberg is one of the oldest universities in Germany. Plus, Halle is extremely beautiful: the marketplace, the Market Church and the Red Tower. However, this is just a start of many sightseeing highlights. There are museums, collections, castles, churches, monuments, mills and bridges to discover. With just one day, you are not on safe ground. Plus, Not every aspect, which is rewarding, is mentioned in this paragraph. As an introduction, if you are interested further, click on the website of this city. Even cemeteries are exciting to discover in Halle. Of course, you may be excited by the whole information, and that is what I provide here too: click here to get to Wikipedia. Because a colleague of our Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Handel, played such a big role in this city, we can not finish this paragraph without a final link to learn more about this famous composer.
33 maps, 33 Bach cities or places. Halle is a category C Bach city.
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Is Hamburg Bach city or Bach place? Hamburg is a Bach city in category C.
Hamburg feels as it's a Bach city. At least all Bach enthusiasts in Hamburg feel that way. And almost Hamburg even had become one of the great Bach cities in category A. Plus Hamburg is related to the career of Johann Sebastian Bach's son, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach – so Hamburg is one of the "top players" as a Bach city in category C.
Several episodes in the life of Johann Sebastian Bach are linked to Hamburg. Firstly still very young Johann Sebastian Bach made a trip to Hamburg while studying in Lüneburg, it was one of several trips to learn more about churches and organs "in the north" of Germany. On one of those trips, we can surely assume, he visited the just thirty-five miles north located city of Hamburg. That happened in the years 1700 until 1702.
Bach cities, Bach places ... hundreds great pictures. Unfortunately, there are no more pictures of Hamburg. Just the six from above. However, click on the pics and enjoy the larger format.
Hamburg. What a city in the north of Germany. Germany's gate to the world. The Altster. The harbor. The hanseatic flair. 1.75 million residents. Hamburg is the second largest city of Germany. It's a City State and so it is a Federal State. Did you know, that Hamburg is number eight in size of cities in the European Union? That it's the largest port in Germany, is what you have surely known. However, did you know as well, that Hamburg is one of the twenty biggest container harbors in the world? Hamburg is home of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.
Hamburg is as well one of the founding cities of the Hanseatic League. But it's a rewarding touristic destination too: a total of 111 million visitors per year is convinced of that. Not all of them are lodging there, but that is a hint of no importance. Hamburg is lying on the river Elbe. It all started in the fourth century before Christ. 1962 is a date, which all elderly people well remember. The historical storm surge. Exciting are the partner cities, for instance Saint Petersburg in Russia, Shanghai in China and Chicago in the United States.
Plus, there is something special. Citizens of Hamburg, according to the city law, are not permitted to receive awards from "external masters". This is the reason, why the back then Hamburg Senator and later Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Helmut Schmidt, refused to be honored with the Federal Cross of Merit. Several times. Now, here, did I copy that for you? And, where is much more exciting stuff related to the theme of Hamburg. Correct. At Wikipedia. What a surprise.
33 maps, 33 Bach cities or places. Hamburg is a category C Bach city.
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There are 33 Bach monuments. Twelve of them are displayed in this Bach monuments calendar: three sizes, this year and next year, European style + US style. To the shop.
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Is Karlovy Vary Bach city or Bach place? Karlovy Vary is a Bach city in category C.
When Johann Sebastian Bach worked for the Sovereign of Köthen-Anhalt, that means when he made music for him, he of course accompanied his employer on his trips. And among other destinations, one vacation place for the prince was Karlovy Vary, in the nowadays Czech Republic. Their Sovereign Leopold relaxed from ruling, and he did such not without his beloved music, which back then didn't just come from a record player, a radio or a tablet or smartphone.
Each biographer reports at least of one of those trips, as this one was the biggest with fate of all of Bach's journeys. When he left Köthen back then in the year 1720, he knew his wife Maria Barbara as healthy as can be. However, when he returned from Karlovy Vary, she had died. Even worse, it goes without saying, they even had to bury her, they didn't wait until Bach returned. Bach took note of her death not earlier but on the doorsteps of his home. A really long time, Bach was much impressed by that bad blow, when he much, much later stopped a visit and returned home, when he was told his second wife was sick. Anna Magdalena survived her husband Johann Sebastian Bach by ten years.
Bach cities, Bach places ... hundreds great pictures. Unfortunately, there are no more pictures of Karlovy Vary. Just the six from above. However, click on the pics above and enjoy the larger format.
Some facts: 50,000 residents are living in Karlovy Vary and Karlovy Vary is located a half an hour drive away from the German border. Karlovy Vary was and still is today a prominent spa. Even more: it is one of the most prominent spas all over the world. Plus, via an airport, Karlovy Vary is easy to reach. Baden-Baden and Carlsbad, California in the USA are two of several partner cities.
There is much to see and to discover in Karlovy Vary and besides a broad offer of possibilities to make a walk or to hike culture is written with a big C. There are exciting churches and buildings, which are inviting you and without question there is almost no spa treatment, which you won't find here.
My best bet to explore Karlovy Vary is to discover the city on their exciting website first. It's provided in both German and English, they speak of 118 sightseeing spots, of ten golf places and of eighteen more points of excursion. Plus, they list not less but 143 possibilities to spend a perfect night there. Now, what are you waiting for? Just click, if you found this little appetizer good: exactly here.
33 maps, 33 Bach cities or places. Carlsbad is a category C Bach city.
99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars
Bach calendars, more precisely? 33 Bach calendars. Three sizes. This year, next year. European style + US style. Your way to the shop.
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Is Kassel Bach city or Bach place? Kassel is a Bach city in category B.
In the year 1732 Bach made his only trip in life to Kassel. He traveled together with his wife, which was generally unusual. At the destination of this trip, in Kassel, he inspected the organ in the St. Martin's Church. That organ was rebuilt by organ builder N. Becker.
Bach cities, Bach places, hundreds great pictures. Unfortunately, there are no more pictures of Kassel. Just the six from above. However, click on the pics and enjoy the larger format.
What comes in my mind firstly when I think of Kassel? The Documenta and: raccoons. But who actually is interested, what comes into my mind, when I think of Kassel? 192,000 residents. Federal State of Hesse. Culture as much as you can possibly handle. In particular? Just click here. In Kassel there is a "Brothers Grimm Museum". For more about the museum, click here. And without mentioning the World Cultural Heritage Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe this general map would be incomplete. Did you know, here in Kassel is the largest collection of Rembrandt works of art in Germany located? Plus, there is a gigantic offer of festivals and exhibitions, that underlines the importance of Kassel as a cultural metropolis. Those who are not yet happy now plus those, who just want to learn more about this exciting Hessian city, please feel free to click yourself smart here. Where? At Wikipedia, correct.
On this map, you can see the westernmost city where Johann Sebastian Bach ever worked. At least a little. Kassel is actually "even a little further west" than Mühllhausen. Kassel is also the only known destination to which Bach's second wife Anna Magdalena accompanied him.
99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars
A Bach calendar, Picasso style: what a gift for musicians. Three sizes. This year, next year. EU + US style. Your way to the shop.
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