These were all for quite a while: Bach figurines and figures, Bach statues, Bach busts, little Bach men from the Ore Mountains, one in a "Drehkastl" (... turning box), two different Bach tin figures, each painted and unpainted. Later we found another Bach bust and because it is so cute, we finally also invited Mr. Mozart and Mr. Beethoven to our store. However, the three are not in the picture ... and get their very own advertising in the next picture. Here you get to the shop. --
These are they: the most ordered busts behind the "tiny composers". In front are the Bach busts, Mozart busts and Beethoven busts that we ourselves have only found after many, many years. --
How long have we waited for this cute guy: the Bach figure is one of the youngest music gift ideas in the shop of "Bach 4 You". Only in the Publishing House "Bach 4 You" this Bach figure comes with two free add-ons in a value, that is higher than the purchase prize. --
Thousands of additional Bach gifts … learn more.
The Bach figure, the Bach bust and first things first: You support our common mission with every purchase of Bach items and music calendars. It is like with the shop in a museum. They need the money to cover at least a fraction of the expenses to run such an institution. And so do we. Our common Bach Mission, that is Peter Bach Jr.'s project "Bach on Bach" and Renate Bach's Publishing House "Bach 4 You".
To make your decision easier, to buy this or that item at "Bach 4 You" and not somewhere else, you get free add-ons with a lot of Bach stuff, for instance the Bach Figure with two audio books and 3 Bach busts with 10 Bach gifts - and it's not "only" audio stuff. How is that possible? We produced several audio and electronic Bach highlights. Once produced, we can add them without any own cost and without additional shipping and handling cost. However, their value is € 9.99 for the "Bach Medley", € 4.99 for the "Bach Necrology" and even € 24.90 for the "Bach Biography for Children" and adults as an audio file. Your purchase is therefore particularly worthwhile in the store of the publishing house "bach 4 You". Check, what's that in Dollars and more currencies today with a click here. --
The Bach tin figure, better the 3D Bach tin figure. Actually you know tin figures as flat figurines. However, some one percent is 3D.
To make "this deal work" (... you support our common Bach mission and get cool Bach stuff for your support) we offer Bach goodies, which you get nowhere else, both not on the internet and not in brick and mortar stores, of course. The two miniature items "Smallest Bach bust in our store and the Bach figure" come with y choice of 3 combinations each and you decide for the matching order number ins the store. Fot instance you love the Bach figure and want the "Necorolgy" and the "Bach Quotzes and Tributes Medley" with it, than you hop to the shop. You decide for section "Bach Figure" and click on the matching section.
It's different with many other offers, that come with your choice of two free gifts plus your decision two chose 2 particular ones. That works differently. Let's say you decide for the biggest Bach bust. Than you order this item and than hop to the selcetion of 10 options. You click on the artical of your choice and it's added to the shop cart for free.
So the difference between both options is that there are only two miniature offers (... the Bach figure for instance) and you have just a small choice of goodies. and there are many items which come with a huge option of free Bach gifts.
This is what we mean: You order the Bach figure, and you decide for the free gifts "Necrology" plus "Bach Quotes and Tributes Medley" as audiobooks. You check, which order number to choose and purchase.
That is what 99 percent of all tin figures look like: They are flat. Here you see the flat Bach tin figure, both painted and unpainted. One is a decoration, both "tell a story". Did you know that tin figure collectors never turn a flat tin figure. If it's necessary to see a person "from the side", it's necessary, to paint and engrave it this position, so you can place it strictly parallel to the horizon in a display. The painter adds to this three-dimensional view, when he paints and highlights shadows and lights with his or her art.
On the left: "Two Bachs" tell a story. In the middle and on the right you can see Bach and discover more details.
Are you a classical music lover and friens are also classical music lovers, in particular Bach fans? So, why don't you surprise them next time with a Bach figure, or a minature Bach bust, when you visit? It's 100 percent more creative and it's definitely a real cool surprise.
There is not only the Bach figure, the Bach tin figure and the Bach bust. "Bach 4 you" offers more. Actually 1,000 music gifts in its Internet shops.
Four Bach busts. Three come with your choice out of ten free add-ons. The miniature Bach bust comes with your choice out of three precious Bach audiobook gifts, one is worth as much as 24.90 €. Check, what's that in Dollars.
Five Bach gifts shops are five music gifts "adventure parks" … learn more.
Did you know, that "Bach 4 You" offers 99 music calendars - of course aside of the Bach figure, the Bach tin figure and the Bach bust - and there are 33 Bach calendars alone? What if you explore all these 33 beauties? There is one guaranty: You won't like them all, as you are more of traditional guy or you are cool, stylish and hip. However, you might be this traditional person, but the one who gets the gift, is young or cool or a child.
Yes, no Bach figure, no Bach bust. The two items in the middle and on the right are not even Bach items. It's a total of 99 music calendars, which you can make a gift for musicians.
So, it's a wordplay: Although it's a Bach figure, the original shop term is "Bach 3 dimensional tin figure". Painted or unpainted? It's your choice, both are a cool decoration.
No Bach figure, but one of four Bach busts. Only the little toy has the name of Bach figure in the shop.
How good, I am a photographer. With an experience of 50+ years I am able to play around with lights and shadows. There are pics around showing me with a camera when I was 6 years old. And yes, it's not the Bach bust, which you saw in the last pic.
Not a Bach figure, but the flat Bach tin figure. Please do not confuse it. The Quarter and the Euro show the size of that beauty. It is hand painted by and artist. This is the JSB 3D tin figure.
It's a special Bach tin figure. It's a flat one, painted by a skilled artist. It's the final common project after a 35-year cooperation of Peter Bach, Sr. and Peter Bach, Jr. in a family business.
Although it needed almost ten artists until you get the painted flat Bach tin figure, that one above needs one less. You are right: It's the painter.
The almost smallest Bach but: what a beauty, what a sweetheart. And can you believe such a thing: It comes with two add-ons.